From the secret hideout … the Chinese scientist blows up a surprise in Corona


The fugitive Chinese virologist, who is said to have gone into hiding out of fear for her safety, comes out again in public to make the sensational claim that she has scientific evidence to prove that COVID-19 was manufactured by humans in a laboratory in China.

Dr Li Mingyan, the scientist who said she did some preliminary research on COVID-19 last year, made the comments Friday during an interview on a British talk show called “Loose Weman.”

When asked where the deadly virus that has killed more than 900,000 people worldwide came from, Yan replied, speaking via video chat from a secret website: “It’s from the lab, the lab in Wuhan, and the laboratory is under the control of the Chinese government. “

He insisted that widespread reports that the virus originated last year from a wet market in Wuhan that sells fish in China is a “smokescreen.”

“The first is a market,” said Yan [اللحوم] In Wuhan … it’s a smokescreen, and this virus is not from nature, “explaining that he got” his information from the CDC in China, from local doctors. “

The virologist previously accused Beijing of lying about the virus. The scientist had said that her former supervisors at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, a World Health Organization reference laboratory, silenced her when she raised the alarm about human-to-human transmission in December last year.

And in April, Yan was reported to have fled Hong Kong to the United States to raise awareness about the epidemic. Now, he said he plans to publish scientific evidence to show that the virus was manufactured in a laboratory in Wuhan.

“The genome sequence is like a human fingerprint. Based on this, you can identify these things. I use the evidence to tell people why it came from the laboratory in China and why they are the only ones who did it,” he said in The interview program.

“Anyone, even if they don’t have biological knowledge, can sequence the genome and can verify and identify it,” Yan added. And he continued: “This is the important thing so that we know the origin of the virus. If we cannot overcome it, it will be a threat to life … for everyone.” He added that now it will come out because “I know that if I don’t tell the world the truth, I will regret it.”

Yan also claimed that before fleeing China, his information had been erased from government databases. “They erased all my information,” he said, stating that people were being recruited “to spread rumors about me that I am lying.”

Earlier, Yuan Qiming, director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, denied reports that the virus had accidentally spread from its facilities. “It is impossible that we were the creators of this virus,” Chiming told state media in April.
