The Minister of Finance denies the leaks on his modifications to the criminal audit contract


The Minister of Finance denies the leaks on his modifications to the criminal audit contract

The media office of the Minister of Finance in the interim government, Ghazi Wazni, denied, in a statement, the leaks “that were carried out by official bodies on their fundamental and fundamental modifications in the criminal audit contract” and confirmed the next:

1- “The Legislation and Consultation Commission is an opinion body on state contracts, and its opinion is not binding.

2- The Minister of Finance took the majority of the comments from the Legislation and Consultation Commission with the exception of the comment on the Egmont Group for the following reasons: The government authorized the Minister of Finance to sign a criminal audit contract with Álvarez and it did not ask you to negotiate with a third party, the Egmont Group.

The applicants for the inclusion of the Egmont Group in the contract did not accept their opinion or approval if they wanted to participate in the contract.

The contract with Álvarez is a criminal audit of the Banque du Liban, while the Egmont Group is a global forum or organization such as the Financial Action Group and the International Monetary Fund that consists of 165 financial intelligence units aimed at the exchange of financial information , training, money laundering operations and terrorist financing, and Lebanon is a member through the Special Investigation Commission. This group is not related to forensic auditing and does not deal with the contract. And the big scandal is who insisted on putting the Egmont Group name on the contract and what are their goals and motives.

3- The contract is a preliminary forensic audit report, and this is what was agreed between the ministerial committee in charge of the negotiation and Álvarez.

4- The Minister of Finance will not ask Álvarez to direct his work and will not form the tripartite commission stipulated in the contract to follow up on the financial audit, and will leave this task to the new government.

5- The presidency of the republic had four points, and all of them were taken into consideration.
