“A positive result may not mean corona infection” … Scientists discover the secret of “dead viruses”


India has become the third country in the world to cross the threshold of four million infections with the emerging coronavirus, after a new record was recorded, on Saturday, in the country where the epidemic does not seem to subside.

In India, four million 23,179 injuries were recorded, including 86,432 new injuries on Saturday. India closely follows the United States (more than 6.3 million) and Brazil (4.1 million).

As the government loosens restrictions, India is currently the country with an exponential increase in cases with more than 80,000 daily infections and the highest number of daily deaths of more than a thousand.

In just thirteen days, the number of infections in the second most populous country rose from three to four million, faster than the United States or Brazil.

The epidemic is now spreading in rural areas suffering from insufficient health infrastructure and in major cities such as New Delhi and Mumbai.

Maharashtra, where Bombay is located, has been at the epicenter of the crisis since the national shutdown was announced in late March. About a quarter of new daily infections are registered there.

Shamika Ravi, an economics professor and former government adviser who closely followed the indicators of the epidemic in India, said the country is “still far” from reaching its peak and that Maharashtra will become the “center” of the campaign against the emerging corona virus.

“It is not possible to control Covid-19 in India without controlling the spread of the epidemic in Maharashtra,” he said in a tweet.

“Given its economic importance, Maharashtra will continue to influence the spread of infections in other parts of the country,” he added.

To limit the spread of the virus, New Delhi imposed a nationwide lockdown in late March, suspending activities across the country of 1.3 billion people, suddenly leaving tens of millions of people without sources of income.

But authorities decided last week to ease restrictions in an attempt to revive the economy.

The new Corona virus has killed at least 875,703 people globally since the WHO China office reported the outbreak of the disease in late December.

More than 26,671,700 cases of the virus have been officially registered since the outbreak began, of which, to date, at least 17,496,300 people have recovered.

These numbers only reflect a fraction of the actual number of injuries, as several countries do not conduct testing except in the most severe cases, while other countries prioritize testing to trace the contacts of the injured, in addition to limited capabilities. test from several poor countries.
