Corona … the situation in France is “extremely worrying”.


France registered more than 5,400 new cases of coronavirus, yesterday Saturday, at a time when the Ministry of Health described the situation as “extremely worrying” after “Friday’s jump”, when the country announced the highest number of cases since mid-September. March.

French authorities said the country witnessed 7,379 cases, the first on Friday, in the highest number of daily casualties since France imposed general isolation measures at the height of the pandemic, and this increase comes in light. from an accelerated increase in injuries recently.

The Health Ministry stated on its website, “On the French mainland, the rise in the Coronavirus pandemic is clearly accelerating. The strong growth in infection cases is very worrying,” according to “Reuters”.

The French Health Ministry added that the cumulative number of deaths from Corona increased to 30,602 from 30,596 cases announced on Friday.

The number of people infected with corona in hospitals reached 4,530, compared with 4,535 cases the day before, while the number of cases in intensive care units increased from 387 to 400.

Despite the frequent high number of new cases, a doctor in Paris said the current situation is different than in February and March, when the virus spread without inhibitors.

“We learned from our mistakes,” said Dr. Karen Lacombe, head of the infectious diseases unit at the Saint-Antoine Hospital in Paris, in an interview with the “BMM” television channel.

France has made wearing masks mandatory in Paris and other cities as the government seeks to avoid imposing new blanket isolation measures that could deepen the economic recession.

Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire reiterated that the government will do everything possible “to protect everyone” and avoid bankruptcies.

He said in an interview with France Inter radio that a recovery in consumption in May and June was giving reason for optimism in the economy.

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