After the number of people infected with Corona exceeded the tens … a call to isolate a new Lebanese city


The Corona Pandemic Crisis Cell held an exceptional meeting in the town of Beit Al-Faks – Al-Danniyyah, in the hall of the local Al-Nahda Charitable Society, during which the developments in Corona were discussed, especially after that the number of infected exceeded dozens, in addition to the number of contacts exceeding 200 people in the town.

The meeting agreed, in a statement, “the call of the Minister of Health, Dr. Hassan Hamad to ensure CRP screening for all new contacts, to help declare the city of Bait al-Fakk a health zone and isolate it, and to establish and equip a field hospital in the city, especially since the nearest hospital cannot be reached in less than an hour, not to mention that On the inability of hospitals to receive patients – it is allocated for moderate cases with a team medical and health – due to the alarming figures that are expected to increase in the coming days.

They reviewed some ideas to tackle this epidemic, such as keeping track of recent test results, identifying those in contact, and asking the municipality to prepare a letter to send to the military to help implement the ban on gatherings, emphasize prevention and ask the ministries, especially the Ministry of Social Affairs, to attend to the needs and assistance of families and families in quarantine. And direct follow-up with the district office, in addition to establishing a medical team to follow up on suspected cases and present reports to interested organizations to support the population.

They noted “the amount of awareness and concern shown by some of the injured, by automatically self-quarantining and performing PCR tests at their expense, and confirming full cooperation, especially at this delicate stage, asking God to take away the epidemic and the scourge. “
