“The situation in Corona is not reassuring”: 11,000 injured on the eve of the withdrawal of the closure!


In light of the gradual reversal of the shutdown and general mobilization decisions, hundreds of new coronavirus cases continue to be recorded, on a daily path approaching disaster.

“The situation is not reassuring,” said the Minister of Health of the interim government, Hamad Hassan, after registering 676 cases (672 residents and four expatriates), raising the total of real injuries to 11,205, in addition to registering two new deaths, which brings the total number of victims who died from the epidemic to 148.

Among the injuries, 19 cases were registered among workers in the health sector, which is an indicator of the worst that the country can be in an appointment with him in case the level of injuries remains the same and in the event that the preparedness of the health sector remains at the same level.

Although private hospitals “consent” and respond to the call of the Ministry of Health to “contribute to providing medical services in the context of facing the local coronavirus outbreak,” this step is not enough to absorb the health crisis afflicting Lebanon. unless it is reinforced with auxiliary steps, some of which are “obvious”. How to secure quarantine centers, a step that has yet to be recovered!

Until last night, the number of patients in hospitals had reached 297 people, 90 of whom were in critical condition, while Health data indicates that the intensive care rooms of most government hospitals designated for Corona (that is, those that are in a position to operate) are close to reaching capacity. At a time when the figures from the Private Hospitals Union indicate that there are 500 beds equipped for Corona patients between normal and critical hospital cases, and with the expectation that thousands of injuries will continue to be registered at the end of next September and the peak of the first wave coincides with the start of the second wave in early winter, so the numbers doubled, it does not seem that there will be a way out of the crisis unless a decisive contingency plan and a national strategy take into account all the challenges.

However, the last few weeks have shown that the option of closing and activating general mobilization decisions without economic challenges is more severe than the health crisis, while what is required is still “very simple”, which is a commitment to social distancing and preventive measures so that “harmonization is achieved between continuity in public life, albeit actively. A less than usual activity with compliance with controls, the chances of the epidemic spreading and things get completely out of control will not escalate, ”Hassan said as he opened Corona’s ward at Al Zahra Hospital.

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