Ashura in Bahrain … What’s Happening?


Many ask me: Why all this controversy about Ashura in Bahrain? We are Arabs and Arabs from the Gulf, close to the course of events in these small islands, we know their good people, but we notice through what we see in terms of images and videos, and what we see in terms of social networks, and what we read in terms of data, that the Shiite grief is great, very great, In the context of the problems affecting the commemoration of the murder of Al-Hussein, the son of the daughter of the Messenger of God. We want to understand what is happening.

Regardless of Yazid, Hussein and the camps, everyone has their opinion, isn’t freedom to perform religious rites supposed to be a stable issue in a country whose Shiite citizens make up the majority of its population? Is it conceivable that we hear of insults to mosques, Hussainiyas, processions and donations, in a country where Shi’ism and Islam represent the heart of its identity, along with Arabism? Is Husseiniyat not fulfilling the functions expected of him in some Gulf neighborhoods, within generally accepted health controls, to curb the “Covid 19” infection?
My short answer: restricting Hussaini ceremonies is an old policy, and it has nothing to do with “Covid 19”, as the government claims. The Corona pandemic does not prevent Bahrain TV from interacting with Karbala – Manama, however, this television ignores, every year, the most important annual event that takes place in the country, and instead is active in spreading hatred against Shiite citizens, their beliefs and their history.
And if there were a national screen in the country, we would have seen it stimulate enthusiasm, at this difficult time, to allow stay-at-home people to follow Hussaini’s lectures, which deal with various topics and concern a wide spectrum of public. If that happened, Bahraini television would become the number one screen in number of followers.
The Corona pandemic does not stop local newspapers from writing about Al-Hussein and his cause, recalling Hussainiyat’s roles, presenting his roles in the national struggle, featuring al-Husseini’s pulpit pioneers and poets of the people of the house, and presenting a clear picture of Ashura Bahrain, whose activities generally include theater, painting and various fields. Arts, Al Hussein displays the most beautiful qualities of volunteer work, generosity, spirituality and inner beauty in the people of Bahrain.
Yes, perhaps no one would believe, in today’s world, the existence of an authority on earth that prohibits religious rituals that a wide range of citizens believe in. This, and the constitution obliges the state (article 22) to respect the right of citizens to perform Hussaini ceremonies inside and outside the funeral prayer rooms, and that the state has a duty to provide the requirements for this, including the media coverage, municipal and organizational efforts and support for Hussainiyat. However, this is not happening, rather it is being reversed. Throughout the year, the authorities have become accustomed to putting sticks in the wheels of Hussaini’s bodies and funeral processions, restricting them and preventing them from performing activities optimally.
The problem is that the palace does not see the Husseiniats and their ceremonies as part of the country’s established identity, and a legitimate and voluntary expression of Al-Hussaini’s love. Rather, he sees it as a challenge to his exclusive idea, which seeks to reduce the country to a narrow and one-sided history and practices.
However, when did the government respect the constitution? We only know of rare examples where the authorities have put on record their commitment to a constitution they have unilaterally drafted, and eat it when they are hungry. He tramples on his articles every day, then advertises some articles when he wants, when he wants to impose a law or undermine the other opinion.
Well, the questioner should know that the attack on Shiite belief is a systematic policy, which includes the closure of Shiite religious institutions: such as the “Ulema Council” and the “Society of Conscience”, control the appointment of the Jaafari Endowment Council , remove Hussaini’s banners, arrest preachers or prevent them from being lured from countries. Others, although the government allows to attract “experts” in all fields, except in the field of Husseini.
There is no reason to prevent religious rituals and organize them in cooperation with the Hussainiyat and the competent popular organizations, the security of the citizen and the homeland. However, the policy goals blind the government to make prudent decisions, unless its effort is to plunge the country into crisis and increase national discord.

* A Bahraini writer

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