Riad Ismat is gone … pain is appropriate for Syrian culture


After death, the day before yesterday, Riad Esmat (1947-2020) died in a Chicago hospital after being infected with the Corona virus. The finale was one of the pillars of Syrian encyclopedic culture, although its main interest in theater was written by a writer, director, and critic. His study of English literature at the University of Damascus opened wide horizons for him to see Shakespeare’s theater and Greek theater, before completing his special texts, such as “The Game of Love and Revolution”, and “Mourning Becomes Antigone “and” Was the dinner great, good sister “? To the popular Arab heritage, “Abla and Antar”, “Sindbad”, “Shahryar Nights” and “The Bird of Myth”. Thus, Riad Esmat El-Khashaba occupied works of varying quality, in a show that did not achieve what the Syrian theater witnessed during the prosperous 1970s. Perhaps its critical presence was more important in terms of documentation and applied reading, as in ” The Arab theater and the fall of the social masks “, and” A point of light: applied studies in the Arab theater “and” The Arab theater between sleep and science “, in addition to his interest in studying Syrian history in the writing and criticism. While illuminating the experiences of the generation of the 1970s with solid critical readings on the “history of the 1970s.” He moved between many positions, including: Director of the Public Authority of Radio and Television, Dean of the Superior Institute of Dramatic Arts, Ambassador, Minister of Culture and visiting professor at Northwestern University in the United States.
