Corona drug proves highly effective … saved a million


Global attention turns to the drug dexamethasone, after it has been proven effective as an effective and life-saving treatment for people with the Covid-19 epidemic, caused by the emerging corona virus.

England’s National Health Service announced Tuesday that the drug dexamethasone was effective against Covid-19 patients, following a study of tens of thousands of people with coronavirus that began last June.

The “Guardian” newspaper quoted the National Health Service (NHS) that the drug, which began testing about a year ago, has saved the lives of approximately one million people worldwide, including 22 thousand people in the Kingdom. United.

The study was conducted in tens of thousands of Covid-19 patients to assess the effectiveness of the drug, as experimental researchers reached a surprising result, which is clearly improving the chances of survival from the Corona virus.

Dexamethasone, an affordable and widely available steroid drug, has been shown to reduce the risk of death by a third for Covid patients using ventilators and by about a fifth for those receiving oxygen therapy.
The drug Dexamethasone is primarily used to treat severe allergies, skin conditions, nausea, bloating, and autoimmune diseases, but it has been among the drugs that have been tested for treating Covid patients since the outbreak of the epidemic last year.

“It was difficult to know how many lives would be saved because we did not know the course of the epidemic or the acceptability of the results,” said Oxford University Professor of Infectious Diseases and, based on this study, Dr. Peter Horby.

“It is clear that dexamethasone has had a significant effect,” Horby added. One million is a large number … but it is still an estimate. It could be lower or higher. “

But other research has indicated that dexamethasone is ineffective in patients who do not need oxygen or ventilators.

This discovery coincides with international efforts to combat the epidemic and launch vaccination campaigns in many countries, in order to limit the spread of the virus.

Source: Agencies
