The Yemeni crisis … is there a solution ?! – Al-Binaa newspaper


of the. Beauty Zahran*

صرّح The envoy American For Yemen, Behind days several, And it was published things Flags Many, to her credibility big, Saying: «We To consider Houthis Players Which, and surely for them Paper Which very, وقة Do not Being underestimated Out of. It is this Done incident to To who Neither Could that We achieved In advance, In denial This is True للأبدAnd behavior Administrator Who are they Important I see mechanism, وحسّ The responsability Since parties Concerned, Because This Try everybody Questions».

Do not Doubt to that This The permission The: abstract What Being to To who HappyWhich Do not Prepare Happy! Behind 6 Years exactly With Start up Storm packages to March 2015. And she was Every Dear Since side Aggression In To who, Emphasizes That Only days و .سابيع وتتمّ the control In To who, Since side Saudi وال .مارات And of Support them. And good What I did EgyptTo protect In Inheritance Historical Affirmative to land To who Behind outbreak revolution Yemenia LED Baskets Public 1962 – That She rejected it involved Permanently to Support for This Aggression Despite Efforts Parties Aggression Get her involved to This The swamp. Water Storm 6 Years without Interruption, And no falling down Capital Sana’a, وستمرّت Endurance Yemenia to Defending On Country Yemenia With all means, medium, To confirm His existence And survival People Yemeni Live to memory Historical, That maybe Rejection Submission والاستسلام.

وتلخص Letter The envoy American For Yemen, Done Part Since the scene, Where Included the conversation that Over there Match Essential Do not bad Since Recognition toward, و .نه Of course Current Do not Could Ignore it, and the «Houthis». And you will Circumstances that Got up This Match, Organized Exposition Industries Military, Included Types Modern Since Rockets And planes Misserah, لاستعراض Can Naturally adverb, ويؤكدون that Your stamina List Since Aspire, and surely Its continuation along the years The six Last, Do not You are without Capabilities Armament Resume, I send Which Dua The envoy American To admit With these. But Picture To complete Understandably Everything For all Geographical accidents, Taking to Consideration that Can Actors to endurance Aggression, Both Yemenis Houthis And of Supporting them Since People Yemeni Brave.

In the side The other, Then management Biden maybe Announced clearly Say Match Saudi Walmart, To stop And termination war to To who. I hurried United Arab Emirates Remove Since the South, And of Island «Socotra»، وتفكك Every What to her Link toward to To who. as such that Saudi To avoid To press American to Covenant Biden, Announced On Its preparation ل .نهاء war to To who. Except That Do not Still Practicing Aggression In To who والاستمرار to Destroy it without Respite or Mercy, Neither Still «Houthis» They direct Your strikes to me Some Sites Economic to Grandma And in Riad In distance Thousands Mileage, وبعض Airports Saudi And incur Saudi losses Fatal.

as such ي .شاع that Cash American Involved to Attacks Saudi In To who, What Contrasts With Observations management Biden Say To stop And termination war!!

Neither Still The Houthis, They are capable In Continuation to Capture conservation Marib, وصرّون In Drop it to His fist To get better Their positions to Talks. وبالنظر to me Volume Disaster to war In To who, Then Volume What Suffer Since suffering Human (PovertyDegradation ServicesHealthhunger)، Arrive to me twenty Million breeze Almost, According To report Nations United, والتي Be warned Since Exacerbation Hunger And epidemics!

As for On Sentence Losses gesticulate Distracts In war Since side Saudi According to To estimates magazine (Forin Police) American to One Their numbers, Indicated to me that Sentence What Charged it Saudi In war In To who, to Months Six First Since war Public 2015، Toward 75 One billion Dollars. And continue لكلّ What Affair On This is war, Then Dear Indicate to me that Saudi Spend 200 Million Dollars Diary, Total arrive to Average 500 One billion Dollars Through years The six Last (2015 – 2021)! As well as On Losses Humanity to Rows the side Saudi والخسائر Humanity Since Civil ودمار Everything Around the capital And its surroundings to side People Yemeni.

Do not Doubt to that the crisis Yemenia she Catastrophic With all Dimensions, . Imperative Hurry up To stop Aggression, وحلها Below Careful Nations United, What Done Solution the crisis Libyan, والنص Frankly In Departure everybody Since land Yemeni, Return To who Happy, as such It was Since Before, و .رى In conclusion that the opportunity Favorable للحلّ والخروج Since the crisis.


*teacher Sciences Political والعلاقات International, And the secretary Year the assistent To gather Arabi Islamic لدعم Option Endurance, ورئيس Association Arabica للعلوم Political.
