The origin of the “Corona” virus … This is what the experts of the “World Health Organization” tend to believe!


Bloomberg News reported that WHO experts tend to believe that the origin of the emerging coronavirus (Coronavirus) could be related to the animal trade in China.

The agency said a report is expected to be released this week, which was prepared by WHO experts who previously visited Wuhan, China.

The agency noted that the conclusions contained in the document “will be far from final.”

It is claimed that the report will realize that the new coronavirus may have a similar origin to the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome “SARS”, whose original vector was bats, and was transmitted to humans through small mammals represented by civets. in the Himalayas.

Bloomberg quoted British zoologist Peter Dazak, who was with other experts under the supervision of the World Health Organization, who had previously visited China, as saying that the Wuhan market was selling animals that could contract the emerging coronavirus from bats and transmit it. to the humans.

Dazak said: “The central conclusion at this stage of the work, which of course has not yet been completed, is that the same pathway SARS appeared was present for the emerging corona virus.

The British scientist expressed his confidence that more information about the origin of the Corona virus will appear in the coming years.

Australian microbiologist Dominic Dwyer, who was also among the group of experts that visited China, assumed that the emerging coronavirus could begin to spread from an infected animal in Wuhan.

On January 14, WHO experts arrived in Wuhan, China, to study the origin of the emerging corona virus.

Upon arrival, they were quarantined for two weeks, during which they held consultations via video link with their Chinese counterparts.

The experts visited the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, where the Corona virus outbreak was first recorded in December 2019, and also inspected several infectious disease hospitals in the city and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Representatives of the international group stated at the last press conference on February 9 that they had not been able to achieve any significant progress, however, in the context of joint work with their Chinese colleagues, they were able to define the main hypotheses for the emergence. of the emerging corona virus.

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