Majzoub’s new decision and these are his details


The Minister of Education and Higher Education, Dr. Tariq Al-Majzoub, issued Decision No. 80 / M / 2021 related to the organization of administrative work in the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Lebanese University, the Educational Research Center and Development and educational institutions, as of Monday morning 03/22/2021. Stated

That the Minister of Education and Higher Education

Based on Decree No. 6157 dated 01/21/2020 (formation of the government),

Based on Decree No. 6198 of 03/13/2020 and its modifications related to the announcement of the general mobilization to face the Coronavirus,

Based on the Cabinet Presidency Book No. 96 / PM of 6/2/2021 on the update of the strategy to face the Coronavirus and the stages of gradual relaxation of the closure restrictions.

Once the third phase of gradual easing of the closure restrictions, which included 50% attendance of employees until 03/21/2021, the following is decided:

Article 1: Distance education will continue in private and official educational institutions until the decision to return to mixed education is issued.

Article two: The directors of secondary schools, official schools and institutes, directors, health counselors and the mechanization worker, in addition to the employees, can attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays and until they return to coeducation (with the exception of Thursday on 03/25/2021 to coincide with Annunciation Day), in order to secure administrative work and prepare for the gradual return of coeducation later on.

Third Article: The directors of private educational institutions and a series of administrators and accounting officials of the same will continue to be authorized to attend during official working hours to perform the necessary administrative tasks.

Article 4: Administrative work in the general directorates of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and the Educational Center for Research and Development in the central departments and administrative units of the governorates and in the Lebanese University, as of March 22 by the morning / 2021, will continue with a full attendance rate for employees according to their official work schedule.

Article Five: Citizens wishing to come to the main building of the Ministry of Education in Beirut must present or receive the approval of the university, the university equivalency, the school equivalency, the official certificate or a true copy from the examination department officials, to obtain prior permission from the IMPACT platform, selecting the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in the type of destination field, and choosing one of the four options in the destination name field through the following link, in order to avoid overcrowding:

Article Six: Employees, members of the educational staff and all other workers during their period of attendance in administrative units and educational institutions are obliged to comply with all necessary preventive measures against the Corona virus and public safety requirements.

Article Seventh: This decision is communicated to whoever is required.

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