Trump resort in Florida closed due to Corona outbreak


The “Maralago” complex in Florida, owned by former US President Donald Trump, decided to partially close, after it was confirmed that several of its employees were infected with the new Corona virus.

According to informed sources, Maralago has closed some of its facilities “partially”, and some of its employees have been quarantined to prevent the spread of the infection.

Resort members received a message stating that service was temporarily suspended in the club’s dining room, because some employees had recently been infected with Corona.

The letter said that Maralago had taken “all appropriate measures to respond,” including sterilizing the contaminated areas.

“The health and safety of our members and employees is our highest priority,” the letter said.

The Florida Department of Health did not immediately respond to calls and messages from the Associated Press.

Trump moved to Maralago after leaving the White House in January.

The Palm Beach County government issued a warning to the Maralago administration a few months ago after hundreds of people showed up without masks at the latest New Year’s Eve party. The boycott hinted that a $ 15,000 fine would be imposed on the resort if the violations are repeated in the future.

Trump spends his time at the resort, playing golf, dining with friends, meeting with members of the Republican Party and planning his political future.

Trump had already contracted the coronavirus near the end of his presidential term and was transferred to Walter Reed Military Hospital for treatment at the time.
