Damascus hospitals are full of Corona patients


The Syrian Health Ministry said intensive care units in public hospitals in the capital Damascus have reached full capacity due to the sharp increase in the number of coronavirus infections, prompting doctors to transfer patients to hospitals. from other provinces.

The announcement was a rare public acknowledgment of the severity of the outbreak in Syria, ravaged by a decade of conflict that has had major implications for the medical sector.

Syria has reported an increase in injuries in recent weeks, including regime president Bashar al-Assad and his wife Asma, who are currently recovering, according to Assad’s office.

Syria announced 149 new cases on Thursday, bringing the total number of injuries recorded in the country to 16,925, including 1,130 deaths since the first case was announced in March last year.

The number is believed to be much higher because most Syrians cannot afford the PCR test. Syria is going through a deep economic crisis, as the war has left more than 80 percent of the population below the poverty level.

The cost of testing in a private hospital or clinic is 126,500 Syrian pounds (about $ 28 at the black market price) at a time when most monthly income in Syria is less than $ 100.

The director of the ambulance and emergency system of the Ministry of Health, Tawfiq, told SANA that the intensive care units in the four government hospitals in Damascus are full and that those in need of medical attention were transferred to hospitals in other provinces before this. anus. week.

Hassaba urged people to take precautionary measures, including wearing masks, social distancing and sterilization. The Health Ministry said coronavirus cases had risen dramatically in the past two weeks, but did not name a reason.

The pandemic, which has been harsh even in developed countries, was a major challenge for the health sector in Syria, which has already been eroded by years of conflict that killed more than half a million and displaced half the population. of the country of 23 million before. war.

Syria started a vaccination campaign earlier this month, but no details were given about the operation. The health minister said the government bought vaccines from a friendly country but declined to mention its name, noting that Israel revealed that it had provided the Syrian regime with a quantity of Russian vaccines as part of a prisoner-swap deal.
