“Nasrallah prefers a weak Lebanon” …. Israel reveals new information


15 Israeli researchers from the Military Intelligence Division of the Israeli army “Aman” are in charge of drawing and updating the image and profile of the Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, as published this Friday in the newspaper “Yediot Aharonot”. , under the title “Nasrallah Archive”.

They keep track of every new piece of information about Hassan Nasrallah, and examine his options and decisions in an attempt to determine the pattern of his behavior and attitudes towards any developments, and try to anticipate his reaction to any Israeli move or move. This is practically the most prominent task of this group in the Military Intelligence Division, which reveals that it is denounced today by “Yediot Aharonot” through a series of meetings allowed by the military censorship, and it seems that it is nothing more than a step or movement on the psychological plane. and media war between the Israeli occupation state and Hezbollah and its secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah.

The report highlighting the hadiths of the “doctor”, as the report symbolizes, portrays Hassan Nasrallah as having a “gripping, complex and thorny personality that cannot be known all about. He possesses distinguished strategic political ability. , and over the last three decades he has developed his image as a leader without objections. “On his leadership, he concentrates the powers in his hands, discreet, reduces the consultation of others and cares for himself to the point of narcissism, very fervent and very intelligent, but his narcissism is not in his favor, and in the eyes of his men and adversaries he is also a symbol, but he is also an enigma, and there are those who say that he does not hesitate to lie ”.

The picture that the aforementioned researcher paints is not far from the views of Israeli orientalism, and she does not hesitate to justify the “lie” by saying directly afterwards that it derives religious legitimacy from the principle of “piety” in force with the Shiites. sect, according to the occupation allegations.

According to the profile, Hassan Nasrallah: “is torn between his militant Islamic religious identity and his pragmatic political identity, which realizes that he has the responsibility to manage the affairs of the people, which is fueling the structural tension between the religious commitment of Iran and the state of Lebanon. Hassan Nasrallah has undergone transformations and changes. From a pure revolutionary who carries an extremist religious message to a more pragmatic political actor who hates taking risks, unlike in the past when he had more initiative, but today he moves only when he feels there is no escape from that, he has become more moderate with your age.

According to the profile, published by “Yediot Aharonot” by members of the aforementioned team, which appears to be led as part of the war of minds and brains between Nasrallah and the occupying power, the example of Lieutenant Colonel A is conveyed that Nasrallah is in no hurry. to build an heir, but quite the opposite. That is, he is interested in his person and does not allow others to grow up with him, does not build an heir for the day after his departure, and firmly maintains the military leadership, his uniqueness in decision-making and being the last word.

The report, which Yediot Aharonot promised to be full of new details about Hassan Nasrallah, comes with virtually no private information that is not known to the Arab reader or follower, but rather refers to various conversations in his bio, including the clearance of his star after the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon in May 2000, which is the golden period in Nasrallah’s march to a point of breaking and change after the Israeli war in Lebanon in 2006, when his position began to vibrate to the point that Critical voices of him increased even among the Shiite community in Lebanon.

Yet some in the leadership of the “Aman” Military Intelligence division see Nasrallah as the only constant in the ever-changing Middle East since Hezbollah’s leadership in 1992.

However, the profile shows Nasrallah constantly following the Israeli press, and knows all the Israeli media reporters, which he sees as a way of studying Israeli society and keeping track of what is happening in it, on the one hand. , and your enthusiasm. to stay away in his trench, without even leaving the window, knowing that he is inside. If it did, Israel would be able to know its location and access it.

And he, Nasrallah, since the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh and the rest of the party’s military leaders, and then the assassination of Qassem Soleimani, has assumed all political and military responsibilities, as he is the Chief of Staff, the Minister of Defending. , the brigade commander and the commander of the region to the smallest point, however, he does not use mobile phones and passes Decisions are made through his advisers and assistants, such as his deputy Naim Qassem and the head of the Executive Committee, Hashem Safi al-Din, and there is what can be called the spirit of the leader, who also directs the field commanders to translate the response system to every Israeli attack, especially breaking the deterrence equation to assassinate any Lebanese activist, based on the formula that Clear calculated. answer.

According to Lieutenant Colonel A, just as the Israeli withdrawal was the climax when he presented himself as the first Arab leader to successfully drive out the Israeli occupation, the 2006 war was the shock point that brought about real change, and his behavior he became more cautious, more suspicious and hesitant, it is true that a person is not changing, but now he raises more questions: how bad is he and what are the risks ”.

According to the report, Nasrallah, who is affected by the restrictions he imposes on his movement after the 2006 war, appears to have affected his health by not leaving home, adding: “We see in his television appearances, for example, that he lacks vitamin D, in his sixties, and in groups. The danger, however, is to reject the American vaccine against the Crown, and we must be more careful.

According to the report, Nasrallah is in strategic trouble today and cannot repeat himself, although he is constantly learning from his experiences. He has lost an image of victory and is now struggling so that his strategic anguish does not become one. That threatens your leadership and leadership.

According to his Israeli profile, Nasrallah prefers Lebanon: “Weak but stable, and he does not want to be in the vanguard, but he wants to remain effectively responsible for what happens without taking responsibility, and he is still the most powerful person in the country today. Lebanon, he’s the one who actually controls Lebanon (de facto) and wraps his arm tightly around him. ”

According to the newspaper, the Israeli profile states that Nasrallah is very interested in showing the presence of a wide circle of assistants and advisers around him. However, Brigadier A, from the staff of 15 members of the Military Intelligence Division, accuses “Aman” he of suffering a high degree of phobia in front of Every voice opposes, “and that his desire to control everything also derives from the fact that Nasrallah is a person who cannot tolerate uncertainty. “

According to Dr. K, he cannot live with uncertainty, so his deterrence equation vis-à-vis Israel is a way to create the “certainty” he wants, as it gives him a kind of strategic clarity and reduces uncertainty.

Regarding corruption, Nasrallah according to his Israeli profile, and on a personal level, is very connected with the popular base of the Shiites and the levels of poverty in it, and he does not own real estate or personal property and does not “understand”. in the economy, and that is its weakness, but the Lebanese system allows corruption, and the sects dominate. “In the private sector, Nasrallah knows how to guarantee bids and tenders for the benefit of the companies of his organization, and is related to the minister with jurisdiction in each sect, and receives bids and tenders in the fields of communications, construction and others.

What is surprising about the profile is the admission of the crew that they were surprised that Nasrallah, contrary to the well-known image, is not all the time occupied with the State of Israel, which has long been recognized, and is happy to portray. him as a major terrorist, and that the Israeli public attaches importance and weight to his statements.

The report showed that the information on Nasrallah was mainly gathered from known and apparent sources, especially Lebanese newspapers who could even wait for what was to come. Nasrallah’s speeches were also recorded, translated and analyzed. About his state of health and trying to find out about topics that are not easy to talk about or that are accompanied by explosions and sighs.

The report pointed out that Nasrallah is interested in having many follow his televised speeches, and that the audience is high, which in his opinion means a decrease in people’s enthusiasm and in waiting for his speeches and this is something that worries him. a lot, because he considers that these speeches keep him important, and confirms his presence on the scene and always wants to keep the message “I have not disappeared, I am still the adult and responsible here”.

The monitoring of Nasrallah, the report reveals, is not limited to him, but to the movements of other personalities and parties in Lebanon, his political movements and his reflection on Nasrallah’s strength since his retirement, such as following the Lebanese president. Michel Aoun and his son-in-law Gebran Bassil. Although the latter is not popular in Lebanon, but he is an ally of “Hezbollah” and heads its parliamentary bloc, and this indicates that if Basil Gibran’s senses are correct, then he realizes that whoever determines the identity of the next president is Hezbollah, and therefore his proximity to Hezbollah is a matter of glory to him, even if he is subject to US sanctions, and he realizes that Nasrallah is the one who appoints the kings in Lebanon, and when he is it is the position of a “political fox” like Basilio, this indicates who is the strong man in the state “.

Nasrallah, according to these estimates, is interested in internal Lebanese issues from regional issues, which emerged, according to Brigadier A, in his last speech on February 16, which focused on internal Lebanese issues, although Israeli newspapers highlighted his answer. to the statements and threats of the Chairman of the General Staff of the Israeli occupation army, and warned of the danger of slipping into a war against Lebanon. He: He repeated the “city versus city” equation, but this passage was a very small section of the speech, and his speech had no hostile passages. On the contrary: “I do not want a confrontation with you, but if you force it on me, I will have to respond accordingly.”

The report allegedly admits, citing team members, from which it follows that there is no consensus on Nasrallah’s loyalty, whether it is direct and immediate loyalty to Iran, and that he does and implements whatever the Iranians ask of him. . While some of them say this position, others consider that Nasrallah has developed a situation over time that allows him to be a player against Iran with his own saying as part of a dialogue and not as someone who takes orders. He explains that he knows it is a “precious treasure” that should not be wasted on small events, but that he is loyal to Iran on big issues.
