The Department of Estimates of the Department of Meteorology of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation foresees that the weather will be tomorrow, partly cloudy sometimes cloudy, without significant changes in temperatures, fog in the heights and active winds, sometimes scattered rains fall during the day. , intensifying from the afternoon with lightning and thunder Especially in the southern and northern regions, since the snow falls at an altitude of 1500 meters or more, and without it at home.
And it came in the following brochure:
The overall situation: unstable and occasionally rainy weather dominating the eastern Mediterranean basin, starting Monday, due to the impact of an airborne depression currently centered in northwestern Turkey.
Note: The average temperature for the month of March ranges between 13 and 22 degrees.
Weather forecast in Lebanon:
Monday: Partly cloudy, with temperatures below seasonal levels, and there will be fog in the highlands, winds and relative humidity will rise on the coast. The weather turns cloudy, and sporadic and sporadic rains fall, which sometimes intensify, especially in the southern and northern regions, with the occurrence of lightning and thunder, and the snow falls at an altitude of 1,700 meters and more.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy to sometimes cloudy without changes in temperature, fog in the heights and active winds, sporadic rains sometimes fall during the day, intensifying from the afternoon, with lightning and thunder, especially in the southern and northern regions, as that snow falls at an altitude of 1500 meters or more, and without it at home.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy to sometimes cloudy, with a slight drop in temperature and fog at altitudes. Scattered rain falls, sometimes intensifying with the occurrence of thunderstorms and strong winds, and snow falls at an altitude of 1500 meters or more, and without it in the interior.
Thursday: Partly cloudy to cloudy with no temperature adjustments, and scattered rain accompanied by lightning and thunder and sometimes strong winds, as the snow falls at an altitude of 1500 meters or more.
The temperature on the coast varies from 11 to 18 degrees, in the mountains from 4 to 13 degrees, in the interior from 5 to 17 degrees.
Surface winds: southwest, gusts between 15 and 45 km / h.
– Visibility: good to medium.
Relative humidity on the coast: between 55 and 85%.
Sea conditions: average wave height to undulating waves, surface temperature of 19 degrees.
Atmospheric pressure: 765mm mercury
Sunrise: 6:08 AM
Sunset time: 17:23
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