And it came in the following brochure:
– The general situation: The eastern Mediterranean basin and Lebanon will be affected from noon on Tuesday by the cold and stormy air depression Joyce, which brings heavy rain, strong winds and snow in the middle and lower elevations and below the 600 meters. in the north of the country, and its control continues until Friday, where it gradually recedes, leaving waves of frost that last until the end of the week.
Weather forecast in Lebanon:
Tuesday: Partly cloudy with the appearance of layers of dust in the air during the morning period, especially in the south of the country. During the day it gradually turns with the beginning of the gradual and rapid decrease in temperatures to cloudy with dense fog in the heights and sporadic rains that intensify from the afternoon, especially in the northern regions, are accompanied by storms and strong winds up to 75 km / hr. The waves of the sea rise with them, pellets of hail and torrents form, so it warns of erosion in the soil. Snow also falls at an altitude of 1,500 meters or more, and its level drops at night to 1,100 meters.
Wednesday: cloudy in general with fog in the heights and an additional, noticeable and abrupt drop in temperatures, especially in the mountains and in the interior, which falls below its seasonal levels, where the effect of the storm is more intense Joyce and the wind The speed reaches 85 km / h, especially in the northern regions, with waves of up to 3 meters and heavy rains, sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms and hailstorms. Snow also falls at an altitude of 1000 meters, and the snow level drops, especially in the northern regions, reaching 600 meters at night.
Thursday: Partly cloudy to sometimes cloudy with fog at the altitudes and temperatures remain low (the lowest this year). Scattered rains fall, sometimes heavy during the morning period, with lightning, thunder and active winds, and snow falls at an altitude of 700 meters and more.
The intensity of rain and snow decreases from noon with the occurrence of great advances, and the frost waves are resolved as a result of the cold air masses, since the ice forms on the mountain and the inland roads to starting from a height of 800 meters during the night, so we warn of slipping on these roads.
Friday: Partially cloudy with the onset of high temperatures and fog in the heights, scattered rains sometimes fall with snow at an altitude of 1000 meters and more, rain and snow gradually decrease with the afternoon hours and the weather improves from Saturday morning with snow formation on the roads overnight from a height of 100 meters and more.
The temperature on the coast varies from 7 to 14 degrees, in the mountains from 0 to 6 degrees, in the interior from 1 to 7 degrees.
Surface winds: active from the southwest, with speeds between 35 and 50 km / h, sometimes increasing from afternoon to 75 km / h, especially in the northern regions.
– Visibility: Moderate to bad due to fog in the heights and heavy rains at night.
Relative humidity on the coast: between 65 and 85%.
Sea: wavy, surface temperature 20 degrees.
Atmospheric pressure: 754 mm of mercury
Sunrise time: 6, 22
Sunset time: 17:22
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