Retired from the French Air Force in Lebanon. The death of one of Syria’s most famous program presenters (photo)


One of the oldest Syrian science program presenters and pilots, Mowafak Al-Khani, who was famous for his “From A to Z” science program for more than forty years, died in Damascus.

Throughout his almost 100 years, Al-Khani traveled between the world of aviation and the media, as he was interested in aviation from the beginning, and his first beginnings were in 1942 when he entered the French army, before retiring with his French air companions. force in Lebanon and joined the Syrian gendarmerie, and was tried in absentia.

And he participated with his plane (and called it Lamia) in the War of Salvation in Palestine in 1948, and with his companions, he took the Mezze military airport from the hands of French forces after independence in 1946.

Al-Khani began working with Syrian television from its inception, when he hosted the “Science Magazine” program in 1961, then his most famous program, “From A to Z”, which began in 1963 and continued until 2004.

Al-Khani directed a series of documentaries, assumed the leadership of Syrian Airlines Corporation in 1950, and founded the Paragliding Club in 1954.

He was awarded the Syrian Order of Merit for his participation in the Palestine War in 1948, and also received special praise from the Syrian Chief of Staff (President of the Republic) in 1954, modified to a medal.

Al-Khani also received the Order of Unity in 1958 from Field Marshal Abdul Hakim Amer.

He worked as an advisor to the Ministry of Tourism between 1980 and 1985.
