Or Tire :: A new victim of the ‘Corona’ virus every hour in one of the worst affected countries!


Sky News published:
In one of the countries most affected by the emerging coronavirus, the epidemic has passed in just 60 minutes to 7 people in the Amazon region of Brazil.

“Today was one of the hardest days of all the years of public service and we feel very powerless” to face the crisis, said Franciscanalva Mendes, health director for Quarry on the Amazon River, in tears.

Mendes did not absorb the loss of a third of “Corona” patients in his small town in northwestern Brazil at one time, and 4 of them were in their fifties.

“We need to fight again to keep saving lives, but we all felt devastated. It was a difficult day,” he said.

Since the beginning of the crisis, more than 217,000 people have died in Brazil from the Corona virus and more than 8.9 million people have been infected.

Despite this, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has reduced the size of the pandemic, even as the number of deaths in his country rises to the second highest in the world.

It seems that the town of Quarry is experiencing a health disaster, after the significant increase in the number of coronavirus infections with a shortage of basic supplies, which led Venezuela, the poor neighboring country, to supply ventilators to the Amazon.

The situation is “very chaotic,” said infectious disease specialist Marcos Laserda of Manaus, the capital of the Amazon.

He added: “We cannot keep up with the number of patients who visit us, and private hospitals do not want to receive anyone else because they are afraid to admit a patient and then run out of oxygen again.”

Manaus made international headlines last April after a torrent of deaths from Corona, forcing authorities to bury them in mass graves, for which some days they witnessed the burial of 200 bodies.

Last week, many hospitals in Amazonas were left without oxygen, and Lacerda said that “I have never seen anything like this before, not even last year. I never imagined there would be a wave of infections of this size that we see now in Manaus.” “

Lacerda said he hoped that the scale of last year’s epidemic would have provided the city on the banks of the Amazon River with some immunological protection against such a “devastating” wave, noting that “the diminished immunity of people and Mutations that occurred in the virus made it very difficult to control the wave. “Difficulty”.

The doctor accused the government of trying to distract citizens from its inaction, with “false hopes of ineffective treatments”, and said: “This does not happen anywhere else on the planet.”

Last week, Eduardo Pazuelo, the Minister of Health, visited Manaus and offered patients “alternative and useless treatments, instead of solving the shortage of respiratory equipment,” according to the doctors’ comments.

The painful suffocation stories of Corona patients have sparked widespread anger at authorities in Amazonas, whom residents accuse of not planning, not to mention preventing the second disaster in a year.

“There is a state of disgust and despair. What we are witnessing is a total massacre and a desperate situation. It is a horror movie,” said a worker at the Alvorada Health Clinic in Manaus, where paramedics were filmed praying to God that will free them. them from disaster.
