Poisoning the popular uprising and the new corridors of the International Monetary Fund


Take it easy … so that no one thinks that removing the claws of the sects and leaders of the sectarian authority that is rooted in the regime will be as easy as some seek and work. There are many complicated internal accounts, not the remotest of which some secular forces and parties joined the sect of men of religion and doctrine, to protect thieves and train influential people, to install them within their religious burrows to times and at the class level at once, solving the controversy that the national interest forced them to temporarily leave and withdraw from campus and embark on an edible Denomination site and sect. In external, regional and international accounts, the situation has not yet been resolved, neither by Syria nor by Saudi Arabia nor by the Gulf, in terms of the reforms that the government of President Hassan Diab must carry out, especially with regard to the help file from the International Monetary Fund. This fund has its own working conditions and mechanisms, in which it draws the march of the country, linking it with the recruiting caravan and starting again with the path of burdens and debts, especially if there are influential bodies approved for it under study titles and do not accept a new type of colonialism. We have become accustomed to many works of this nature, to pass the time that the parts of the authority consider it necessary.

That is why we have seen how some of the ruling powers, sect leaders and war militias voluntarily gave in and renounced the high limits where they raised slogans of rejection and denial in front of Hassan Diab, hoping that Cedar would help with their $ 11 billion and IMF loans with their other $ 11 billion, they could restore by sharing and producing power among themselves, and by re-sharing the new amounts of money that are indebted to the Lebanese people. At that time, the prime minister will be subjected to the largest extortion in the history of the Republic, and to approve projects and take signatures, he will have to pay what is owed to the decision makers, the locations and the influence of the lords of war and sect militias. After that, the government is obligated and compels the poor to follow the financial austerity measures requested by the World Bank, so that the Lebanese people can be crushed again, and remain without infrastructure, operation or production projects until they are exhausted. funds. Then the streets and permanent sit-ins will be brought to the streets, and the ruling authoritarian forces will withdraw their hands from the government, throw them on the ground and accuse people of pain again for implementing Western and Zionist colonial agendas, and we will return to the exchange of accusations due to the loss of sectarian and sectarian powers of the failed government …
In order not to see our words as slander and slander against anyone, it is enough to point to the moment when the Governor of the Central Bank, Riyad Salameh, became a representative of the political Sunnis, while the political Maronites in Bkerke mobilized and considered him a red line, as President Nabih Berri considered it an exchange rate guarantee, despite exceeding the 4000 Pound threshold for every dollar. It can also be seen that in the country that delivered all its documents to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, with the consent of all without exception, Judge Ghada Aoun claimed 21 people in the fraudulent case and issued four arrest warrants in absentia. v. Sarkis Hallis, Auror Feghali and ZR representative in Lebanon Teddy Rahma, the director of the company, Ibrahim Al-Zouk. It also issued 14 face-to-face arrest warrants against 14 employees and employees in oil facility laboratories, while alleging the crime of counterfeiting and the use of counterfeits and the arrest of bribery and money laundering and fraud and the exploitation of influence … to lead to the mobilization of sectarian instincts with their leaders, and to prevent judges from working with them in their homes. Its brokers enjoy their political immunities, which the House of Representatives refused to approve to prevent and withdraw in its last session. Faced with this scene, did the Lebanese understand the reason for blocking the electricity winder? Are these people involved in the agenda of the United States and Trump and their implementation in Lebanon? Will the government make the necessary decisions to follow the file through to the end, or will it be subject to conflict and faction protection?
Faced with a reality that escapes any restriction, to rebuild the rest of the state, sectarian snakes leave us out of their holes after they entered on October 17, and ignore their heads to avoid the remains of projects, brokers, agreements and appointments, so that they can lead to the restoration of the life cycle of the rentier and the launch of a new program to steal public funds. Protected and armed with castes, religions, sects and militias, to govern the people, alleging patriotism and oppressing the colonizer. From here, some of the forces and parties of the Palestinian Authority managed to poison the body of the October 17 uprising with cadres and individuals from the party, to divide the unity of rank and position in recent events, protesting against the banks, break them and infringe the army, to keep them away from the arena that began to restrict them and their daily protests in the homeland. He also managed to avoid unifying the doctrinal opposition forces with their leaders and political factions, which was demonstrated in a recent meeting with Baabda. Perhaps the time zone over time will be the master of the situation in Lebanon, until the charge of the “Crown” is completed or the ongoing US economic pressure is alleviated, until new features are drawn in the region. ..

* Professor of political science and international relations.
