Central- Will a devastating earthquake soon affect the Dead Sea countries?


A new study led by researchers at Israel’s Tel Aviv University has concluded that a devastating 6.5 earthquake on the Richter scale is expected to hit the Dead Sea countries in the coming years.

The “Jerusalem Post” newspaper said that the study published in the journal “Science Advances” found that a devastating earthquake hits the region every 130 to 150 years.

The study indicated that the last strong earthquake to hit the region was 93 years ago, and the researchers expect “a similar event in the near future.”

The last earthquake, which was equally strong and shook the Dead Sea region in 1927, injured hundreds of people and damaged several major areas such as Jordan’s capital, Amman, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Jaffa.

Professor Shmuel Marco, president of Tel Aviv University’s Porter School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, noted that “according to the latest earthquake, which is our best indicator, about 250 people died in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Amman .. . “

He added: “So if we compare the number of people living in these cities today, compared to about 100 years ago, the number has increased two to three times.”

Marco concluded: “This means that the number of victims will be two to three times, not to mention the serious damage to infrastructure and property.”
