You can announce it the moment Biden takes office … Trump told his aides about the 2024 plan


During his appearance before the Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday, United States Secretary of the Treasury Stephen Mnuchin is expected to request the benefit of $ 455 billion in unused emergency aid funds to support a new package of financial aid to counteract the repercussions of the Corona pandemic.

Reuters included excerpts from the minister’s speech, who will appear before the committee, accompanied by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. “I strongly recommend that Congress use $ 455 billion in unused money from the CARES Act to pass an additional bill with bipartisan support,” the speech read.

On Monday, Senate lawmakers urged their colleagues to speed up approval of the aid before the end of the year, although it didn’t appear they were close to reaching an agreement yet, according to Agence France-Presse.

“The American people need more help now. Congress must provide more relief this year,” wrote Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

For his part, the House Minority Leader, Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, made negotiating a new aid bill a priority for the Council.

And the negotiations that have been going on for months in parliament failed to come up with a bill due to their disagreement over the size of the sums allocated and how they would be spent.

The council previously approved $ 2.2 trillion in aid last March with the start of the epidemic, but most of the programs it was assigned to pay for unemployment benefits, loans and small business grants have ended.

On the other hand, Reuters reported that the Washington DC metro service, which covers the city and its surroundings, could be canceled on weekends, and it could have to close 19 stations and reduce daily operations in 2021, to cover the budget gap. projected $ 500 million. If Congress doesn’t approve additional aid.

The service covers an area with a population of about six million, but, like other regions, it has seen a decline in demand due to the pandemic.
