Iran Has The Right To Severely Punish Those Responsible For The Assassination Of Scientist Fakhri Zadeh – Al-Manar Channel Website – Lebanon


The head of the Iranian Shura Council, Muhammad Baqir Qalibaf, said Monday that his country “has the right” to “inflict severe punishment” on the two orders to assassinate the prominent Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

It stated that this is based on the principle of self-defense against organized terrorist operations.

In separate telegrams sent to the Secretary General of the United Nations, the President of the International Federation, the Secretary General of Islamic Parliaments, and the heads of some parliaments, Qalibaf noted that “the terrorist operation was carried out in the event that Martyr Fakhri Zadeh will play a leading role in managing the team made up of Iranian academics in producing the first local Corona diagnostic kit and Corona vaccine for Iranian citizens, including women and children, as well as participating in international efforts to contain this deadly epidemic.

He added: “Evidence and preliminary documents indicate that there are two known commanders behind this inhuman crime, as they carried out a long list of targeted killings across borders in the sensitive West Asia region and beyond.”

He continued: “The Islamic Consultative Assembly, while denouncing this criminal operation as a prominent source of organized terrorism, considers it flagrantly incompatible and explicitly violates the national sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran, declares that this terrorist operation in the assassination of the Iranian world it will not leave the slightest impact on defense and scientific development and modern technology programs. Peace in Iran, but it will increase the interest of the Iranian people in strengthening the country’s scientific and defense infrastructure.

He explained that “the Shura Council, as it represents the Iranian people, and within its assertion that this terrorist operation is inconsistent with divine and human values, responsibility and international obligations, believes that any silence and lack of community movement International movement towards such criminal terrorist acts will lead to an increase in the courage of those responsible and those involved in such crimes that threaten the peace. And regional and international security ”.

Qalibaf added in his telegrams: “There is no doubt that Iran, which has always sought to raise the level of security and peace in the region and the world, and played a leading role in the fight against terrorism, claims the following to inflict a strict punishment of those responsible for this terrorist operation, and upholds their rights within the framework of the defense principle. The project faces organized terrorist measures.

He stressed that “he will not go unpunished.”

At the conclusion of his telegrams, Qalibaf called on the officials of the international organizations and parliamentarians to condemn this terrorist operation and provide the necessary legal and legal bases to prevent the repetition of such terrorist disasters around the world.

Source: Fars Agency
