A meeting for the «Forum for dialogue and donation without borders» on the future of depositors’ funds: a warning about the process of converting deposits into digital currency – Al-Bena newspaper


Organized «Forum offer وحوار without About»، Meeting Consultatively Through Implementation «زوم» Noble «It’s enough A lie And stallWhere Evaporated Our money?»، I was lecturing in that elite Since People Jurisdiction All right, With participation Number Since Interested In both situations Financial والاقتصادي.

Opened Meeting coordinator Forum Talal حمّود Which Confirmed «Follow in a group I like this is Encounters لللوصول to me Results Wanted in a field Combat Corruption واسترداد Money Looted And converted And defense About Rights Depositors وتحقيق goals Patriotism High Which Search to her Forum».

ورأى advantage Hamada Which Administered Debate, that «continuation Deterioration Situations Will perform coffee grains soon to me Collapse Total». وقال «Over there inability Tom I have Class Politician Which No capacity to her In put on plan Rescue, Is originally Helpless About training Government, And jointly والتضامن Done Volatilize Audit Offender Which Must be that is being Necessary for each Consigned Lebanese».

Means «You do What It is removed Possible corrected Collision Excellent And it does Since Possible Return training Deposits? وبالتالي You do Since Possible put on View or a map Path, Power the play Since Through للخروج Since the crisis?».

وبدأ Debate With Minister previous very gunpowder Which To locate, Below Title «How to do Evaporated Deposits?»، responsibility Each Since Depositor والمصرف والمصرف Central By hand to deposit, Considering that «The responsability By grade First Located In Responsibility The bank in a Preservation In Money In Credit that The bank Since side Legal Committed Preservation to deposit And return it To the depositor, They are located at responsibility Flags Client Risky». Waze responsibility Consumption Lebanon والدولة Since During Consumption Lebanon «والتي she was absent Almost, And so Tools Observation And accounting»، مشدّداً In «Importance Censorship Inside And censorship Companies Audit and consumption Lebanon».

And to to me Audit Offender, Considered that «government Could you Drink Appointment in a board Ministers Increase Confidentiality Banking About money Country, وبالتالي facilitation Operation Audit Offender».

وعبر Nabil Young star that «Deposits No He found, وبالتالي Audit Offender The the foundation in order to sword to me knowledge Truth, and surely The responsability Located In Responsibility Sinks By grade First, How Carried out Loan around 70% Since His origins to me country». وقال «Sinks in a Now I stopped About paying وبالتالي in a Now bankruptcy Fraudulent, وبالتالي Must be to download The responsability For members Boards administration Sinks And its shareholders Adults Those involved in a Benefit Since Geometries Financial gesticulate Resulting Of which Since Profits Converted to me the outside».

Turn Supported The expert in a matters Economic والمصرفية lawyer Ali pass, gunpowder, وعبر that «scale down reservation required Tried Escape to me Ahead And steal What Stay Since money Depositors. Then the banks No You are Forced In Finance country والقطاع Year, Why Is Financing Contributed in a Hit Economy Real». وفت to me that «Boards administration Sinks Bear The responsability Full toward Each Affectedوالمصرف Ignore Laws Local And apply Circulars Consumption Lebanon Discretionary». Vivid In that «Operation smuggling Money to me the outside What Missing List And went In The legislator Lebanese put on RuleCapital Control.

وعرض George Jacir Some The facts And reasoning And behaviors Which Get up Outside Sinks «As Start the crisis Financial Economic وحتى Today, Resource this is Sinks to me Business relationship With Depositors in some way Authoritarian وتحاول that Flying About Withers Which responsibility, Which Conglomerate View Right Its measures And its procedures During the crisis in a What Among them in a time Could not In Depositors Performance Any one step or Process or Move, وتقوم association Sinks Apply What Proportional to With Your interests Since Circulars Neither Chasm Dollar The student».

وتحدث About «collusion Sinks in a What Among them In No open Which Accounts New للمودعين And threatening Ptskir Your accounts immediately». وعبر that «Suits Individual No Feasible but Must be accommodation Suits Collective in a وجه Sinks».

وعبر The expert Banker والمالي Nicola My sheik, that «Consumption Lebanon Failure in a Government In Stability Cash والمالي according to Topic Seventh Since Rule review والتسلوي وبالتالي Audit Offender Important لمعرفة Swabia Your decisions». وفت to me that «What Stay Since money Depositors In dollars The Only fifteen% Since Total Deposits In dollars, وهذه The radio Represent Almost What Stay Since reservation I have Consumption Lebanon, In Credit that Values Deposits around 120 One billion Dollars And reserve Consumption Lebanon Within the limits 17 One billion Y862 Million Dollars».

ورأى that «Situation Financial Is heading Toward Collapse Larger and surely Depositor Must be Except is being the ring Weaker He is Since Get in Money to me Sinks And the priority paying in a Now Filtration».

And she was a word For spring Poet, Opinion In which that «The solution the only Because of the crisis Apply army To the law Advertising Now Emergency Which Give him Power that is being Curator In all Devices country And their departments in a Capital. وإذا No Left army So, We’re Oh seriously Go to me hell».

As for Captain previous For experts Accounting With licence Trustworthy Valid, He specified Bits Depositors With»Young boys 98% Since Depositors And adults 2%، وبالتالي Must be Recovery the benefits Excess Which Estimated With58 One billion Dollars Since Beneficiaries, Since without I touched To depositors Children . The solution Easy The application And alone ويزّع Losses Justly, And requires Apply it Issue Rule About board Representatives It includes Warranty Deposits Little وسدادها to me Owners In installments, With benefit No Exceed 2% As limit Maximum, And incorporation Clear Values Deposits Big With capital Sinks or Section the biggest Of which».

وشدّد The expert Banker دان Azzi In «Audit Offender How Since دونه No We know How to do you went Deposits, So eat What We know The that Part Since Deposits Let’s go لدعم To exchange And electricity And fuels And partly more لدعم the Ponzi scheme وال .علام».

And endorsed «Content Capital Control the play In Recovery Money Which Converted to me the outside Make outbreak revolution, And in Now In action Elimination Must be Advertising Strike And disobedience Civil Basim Each Bodies the society Civil».

وقترح Dear Haddad «Call Each Trade unions والاتحاد Workers Year And powers Working And the revolutionaries to me Prepare Complaints Joint Correctly Consumption Lebanon And judge it والمصرف و .صحابها و .عضاء Boards Manage it والمساهمين In which, Reserve Full His property و .موالهم And assets The return for them And for their banks And their families, And in Now Rejection Return money Depositors in a time limit one week Since Date Reservation, Sold Money Reserved immediately And a trial By auction Open, And in Now In action Elimination About Performance Your duty لحماية the society و .موال Depositors, Advertising Strike Year And disobedience Civil».

وعبر Kareem Daher that «Departure Since the crisis Citation Today Measurements Radical, First of them Return Structuring Debt Year ودين Consumption Lebanon And its result Debt Sinks And initiation Process Repair Structural Inclusive للنظام Diversification Activities Sinks distance Return Structured And accounting Responsable Negligent».

The intervention Latest she was To Emad Akoush To turn off In which issue «Launching part Since reservation required ومخاطره In Depositors»، Explaining that «The way the only Avoid Topic First To the law Confidentiality Banking And article 151 Since Rule review والتسليف ، As for Suspension the play Per item First By law issue About City Hall Representative, or Transformation Archive للقضاء. وبالتالي Implementation Topic Seventh Since Rule Confidentiality Banking Under the pretext Accumulation losses Consumption Lebanon وبشكل Big».

He warned against “the process of converting deposits into digital deposits and then digital currency.”
