For the first time … the World Health Organization is “optimistic” that the epidemic will end


Last Updated: November 27, 2020 2:13 PM

About a year ago the first infection with the Corona virus appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan, so the virus spread from it to all countries of the world, causing the death of millions and the brutality of the epidemic in countries , which forced to close airports and declare a state of emergency in addition to the general closure, with the exception of hospitals, which caused the collapse of the economies of the countries.

As pharmaceutical companies revealed the effectiveness of more than one Corona virus vaccine, optimism returned to the ranks of officials, reflecting it even on the stock market, gold prices and the economy in general, as the final solutions will be approach.

The director of the WHO emergency programs, Mike Ryan, hopes that the world will return to normal next year with the appearance of vaccines against the corona virus.

The world health official said that these vaccines, in addition to current measures, will prevent closure and achieve effective control of the disease.

“Strange” statements about the world organization that lasted for months, issuing only warnings, and pessimistic news, strengthening the wave of hope for the proximity of salvation from the virus in the coming months, which now reigns in the world, after the announcement of vaccines with an effectiveness that exceeded 90 percent.

Many countries have been quick to develop plans to benefit from vaccines as soon as possible, as US President Donald Trump said delivery of the Corona virus vaccine will begin next week.

Trump stressed that front-line workers, medical workers and the elderly will be the first to benefit from the vaccine, while the next category is expected to include workers in basic fields and jobs that cannot be done from home.

Amid this optimism, competition is intensifying among vaccine producers as Russia announced a deal with India aimed at producing more than 100 million doses of the Russian vaccine, Sputnik, against the Coronavirus.

The Indian group Heiteru will work under the agreement to produce more than 100 million doses of the vaccine in India annually.
