What if the mice woke up?


In the experimental field, laboratory mice ignore their function. Not knowing that she is in an experimental field to test functions or stimuli that the rat race has not previously tested. It is not necessary to be aware of this fact, since in each moment of this experience, the mouse will find a piece of cheese that will distract him from this hybrid reality, of which he himself has become a part. I’m not a fan of diving into conspiracy theories to explain the missteps of the human race. What has happened so far may be a massive slide into the human race’s greatest experimental experience. Our human brain, which evolved to seek the satisfaction of the community to survive with it in the jungle and avoid being left out and dying alone, faces for the first time huge virtual groups of diverse groups and origins, locally and globally, to try to win her satisfaction and impress her, by the same primitive (unconscious) motivation that you have. After the rational person sought to win the admiration and satisfaction of the limited group with which he migrates, today he struggles, unconsciously, to paint a hypothetical image of himself and commercialize it to win the admiration of large and diverse virtual groups.

Also for the first time in our human history, this piece of meat in our skull receives all this amount of information, useful, useless and harmful, with a monotonous movement of a finger in just a few hours. We really don’t know what effect all this brain stimulation will have on him in the long run. We read breaking news from all poles of the world, tragedies from peoples and countries whose names we may not know. We read the opinions of our virtual “friends” and their differences with other hypothetical ones, we follow the relationships of other people, their marriages, parties and pre-parties, and we follow the “trips” of friends and what they ate in restaurants. And cafes, their assessment of this service, we read provocative opinions from people we do not know, and we read the reactions of those who were provoked, which can be more provocative on topics that we do not know how they were raised today and now basically … all this and more we can navigate in less than an hour. In its evolutionary history until now, the human brain and nervous system were not used to receiving so much input and information in such a short time.
In experimental scientific research, there is an ethical-legal rule that embraces the principle of “do no harm”, that is, if the initial results again show the damage of the substance or stimulus being tested, then the experimenters must stop them . The problem here is that no healer from the larger test outside of the labs has infiltrated humanity, although the initial results of the damage started pouring in years ago. For example, in their study of the correlation between self-esteem and the number of hours a person spends on Facebook, Vogel (Ph.D. and psychology researcher at the University of California) and her research team found that there is a direct correlation between a more hours on Facebook and a lower level of self-esteem.
In another study that is considered one of the largest on the subject, Hunt Alcott’s team (an economist at New York University) and the “Stanford University” work teams conducted a test on a sample of 7,445 volunteers ahead of the US midterm elections in 2018, and the volunteers split into one team that would cancel all their accounts on Facebook for the four weeks leading up to the election, while the other team continues their activity on Facebook normally. The results of the study showed a clear correlation between the cancellation of the Facebook account during the four weeks before the elections and:
1) Less knowledge of the latest news and less intensity of individual political positions.
2) An increase in the level of self-pleasure.
3) The decrease in the number of hours of use of Facebook after the end of the experiment and the return of the participants to activate their accounts. These proverbs are just the tip of the iceberg, as there is a large body of research on this damage and its psychological and nervous dimensions.
Tristan Harris (Director of the Center for Humane Technology) says that what we have achieved is the natural result of letting technology develop during this period with no governing values. The first and only objective of companies is money and more money, and that is to add the features that are attract the user for as long as possible. In an interview with Joe Rogan, he also explains that the intensity of people’s political attitudes in the last ten years has increased dramatically, blaming part of the blame for the accumulation of virtual world algorithms over the years that they prefer. the provocative and sharp rhetoric that brings interaction, to the calm and balanced speech that does not capture a quarter of this. To interact.
Our immersion in this whole world is not foolish or naive on our part, as the algorithms on these sites hit specific and precise targets in the nature of the human soul, its desire for compliments, and its effort to form good impressions on others. All this contributes to creating the appeal of these impressive sites and transforming them into digital swirls that engulf our days.
Knowing all of this does not prevent it from happening. Knowledge is not half the battle, as the GI Go fallacy goes. Knowing how to do what is happening on these sites does not prevent our brain from falling into the trap of algorithms that spend huge sums on them to make them hit all the sensitive psychological threads to attract the human mind to them. The reality is that today we are in the middle of the largest human testing experiment outside of a laboratory. The question now is not what brought us here, and the answer may simply be that a series of groundbreaking informational innovations in for-profit companies are what brought us here. The real question here is what does the mouse do when it wakes up and realizes what is happening?

* Medical student

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