The exam alone is not a long-term schedule


Two educators do not disagree that evaluation is a basic component of the educational learning process and a necessary condition for judging its effectiveness. It developed in parallel with the emergence of successive pedagogical and pedagogical theories, expanding its functions and tools, and transforming itself from a simple process aimed at measuring the extent to which students remember the knowledge learned, to a comprehensive vision that encompasses cognitive and emotional skills. , trends, trends and trends of students, and continuously during learning, which requires the innovation of non-assessment tools. Typical, to keep pace with rapid educational and technological developments.

In recent decades, evaluation relied on traditional tools of a collective nature in the educational learning itinerary, and these tools continue to impose their rhythm due to the difficulty of dispensing them, highlighting among them the exams and the different types of tests that emerged from them (open book, essay questions, multiple choice, tests). Short …). And soon assessment tools were developed in line with educational and educational changes and to achieve universality of assessment to include school cards, interviews, conduct research, participate in activities, all kinds of standardized tests, to test higher mental abilities (analysis , synthesis and evaluation) and emotional skills, as well as posing problems and investigations. To find solutions, comparison, research, deduction, deduction, objective criticism, research development, social, communication, emotional and self-management skills, rather than just testing the student’s cognitive bank memory.
In the face of the Corona pandemic, and the adoption of distance education to ensure the continuity and efficiency of education during the crisis, remote assessment was the greatest challenge for schools, teachers, students and parents, due to the absence of a mechanism clear for it. Most of the schools were in unusual confusion and could not use the appropriate assessment tools, and the need arose to adopt corrective methods according to the conditions of the new learning, and to be able to measure objectively and accurately the performance of the student , as well as to reveal the needs, preferences, preparations and abilities of the students.
Many questions arose from the ranks of educators, including: What are the assessment tools that can be adopted remotely? How can it be used effectively to accurately reflect student performance? Does this evaluation guarantee the reliability of the measurement? Can it be characterized by continuity, diversity, comprehensiveness and flexibility, or will it be intermittent and temporary? Can you account for individual differences between students and multiple intelligences? Does it guarantee the achievement of educational justice as a minimum and the mental health of the student? How can the teacher choose the tools that suit the needs, abilities and skills of the students? How can you take an honest online test to ensure the student doesn’t try to cheat or seek help from others?
Other educators will question more about whether we are capable of transforming this crisis into an opportunity that allows us to move from a culture of testing to a culture of evaluation, and thus ensure the conditions to ensure the adoption of evaluation at the service of learning, to that students are able to assume their responsibilities and control learning and control it.
Reading a series of distance education studies and field experience lead to assessment strategies and tools that can be used reliably, provided that they adhere to the rules of their application. And it can be classified, according to the purpose, of the evaluation in the following way: evaluation for learning (helps to provide feedback that allows a plan to increase learning), evaluation of learning and multidimensional evaluation. Among these tools:
– Quizzes: The teacher creates individual questions and collects them in the form of tests (true or false, multiple choice, matching) and presents them to the students for them to answer through the learning platform that automatically corrects the answers. The importance of these tests lies in their adoption as continuous formative assessment, and the possibility of integrating them into a holistic test (report) that includes various questions related to mental abilities of different levels, and saves a lot of time for teachers, especially in numerous classes, being able to be arranged randomly on the procedure, in addition to allowing the possibility of creating a large number of questions and memorizing or storing in test benches.
Essay questions: The teacher gives the students, through the approved learning platform or “blackboard”, an article, poem or text … and asks them to analyze and interpret it in the light of predetermined criteria, and then regroup it on the platform itself. Essay questions help students formulate and express their opinions on specific topics, and contribute to the application of higher-order thinking skills such as critical thinking, creative thinking, decision-making, and the scientific method to solve problems. . The teacher and students can use email as an alternative to the approved platform in case of technical problems.
– Open book test: the teacher places the test questions on the approved learning platform, and collects them simultaneously (students start and end at the same time), or asynchronously giving students a specific period of time (half an hour, one hour …) to complete the test in case The appearance of urgent technical problems on the educational platform or on the school “blackboard”, and email can be adopted as a substitute for receiving the student responses. The importance of this test is that it helps to evaluate the thinking skills of students at higher levels, and to assess the extent of their ability to apply their knowledge to the questions and problems posed by the teacher and in their ability to access texts and printed or digital resources that the teacher allows during the test.
Debates: They are held simultaneously through the online meeting system available at (Microsoft teams – zoom-webEx-Moodle-Google meet -…) among a group of students, the teacher determines the number of them and during the Which realistic issues, problems or challenges are discussed. . The importance of the debates lies in that they enhance the student’s speaking skills, presentation and critical thinking, the defense of their point of view, respect for the opinions of their classmates, and effective and deep participation in the topics. as well as helping you achieve objective and scientific results, based and based on facts, and not on opinions and beliefs.
Presentations: They are made through the face-to-face meeting system, where the student uses visual resources (file, ppt slides, images, post posters, …) on a specific topic, and shares them visually on the screen in front of their classmates in set with your voice during the explanation or presentation. The importance of the test is that it gives the student a greater opportunity to participate in the educational process and actively process knowledge, and improves the ability to present and speak with him. It is imperative that the teacher provide students with standards and advance instructions on the tools and resources they need and how to use them during the presentation.
– An e-portfolio or electronic portfolio: This file contains an organized collection of the work done by the student (writing work as structural expression – drawings – assignments – formative and achievement tests – illustrations …) during a semester, and under the teacher’s guide using it as a reference. Check to what extent the student’s learning outcomes are being achieved. The file of each student can be collected on the “blackboard” or on the educational platform of the school within a field related to the storage of files, and for each educational material separately, the teacher can access it and view its content , and put what you consider appropriate.
Many may doubt the validity of the tests that students take from home in terms of the ease of cheating and the possibility of help from others (parents, classmates through Inbox …) if the procedures are not confirmed and the environment that accompanies the evaluation process. There is no doubt that this question is in place, so it is necessary to use proper techniques to secure the matter, it is possible to use the front and rear cameras that show the student during an online assessment in a 360 degree position , and convex mirrors can be used to replace the front camera in case material cost reduction is desired. . Direct questions for students on exercises and assignments can also be used, and some may adopt smart digital calendar programs such as flip grid, class flow, kahoot and others. Also, some may adopt more innovative technologies (biometric, such as voice and eye signature). Its availability requires a high potential that the vast majority of schools and parents of students cannot obtain. But trust in the communication between teacher and student during the assessment process instills in the student a sense of responsibility and honesty, self-esteem and personal worth, rather than placing the student under the microscope of intense technical observation for their impact. negative in his psychological health.

* Educational researcher

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