An Arab president asks Israel for “a sign” of normalization


An Arab leader said that his country is not studying at the current stage the possibility of following the path of the Arab countries that finally took the initiative to normalize relations with Israel.

The President of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh, confirmed in an extensive interview with the daily “The Africa Report” last night, Tuesday, that Djibouti is not studying the possibility of following in the footsteps of the Arab and Islamic countries that recently began normalization. relations with Israel.

The president of Djibouti, whose Arab state is in East Africa, within the Horn of Africa, affirms that the conditions are not adequate, at this time, to take such a step, noting that his country does not have any problem with Jews as religion and Israelis as a state.

Omar Guelleh indicated that some Israelis visit Djibouti with their passports to conduct business, while citizens of the African country have had the opportunity to travel to Israel for 25 years.

The Djibouti president’s statements came on the sidelines of his prolonged dialogue with the newspaper issued from France, about what is happening in the Ethiopian region of Tigray.

Ismail Omar Guelleh said: We have differences with the government of Israel because it denies the inalienable rights of the Palestinians. All we ask of this government is to make one peace sign and we will make ten signs in return, but I’m afraid they never will.

It is noteworthy that the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed a peace agreement with Israel, under the patronage of the United States, on September 15, while Sudan signed a similar agreement with Israel on October 23.
