Iran finances terrorism at the expense of the health of its citizens


The outbreak of the Crown epidemic in Iran revealed poor health infrastructure due to the regime’s interest in supporting terrorist activities and financing its militias at the expense of the interest in providing the minimum living necessities of the Iranian people.

A US State Department website said Iran’s guide Ali Khamenei has prioritized funding for terrorist agents and the regime’s security forces over the wages of health workers fighting the disease. COVID-19.

ShareAmerica reported that Khamenei had pledged, last March, to withdraw one billion euros from Iran’s National Development Fund to combat the epidemic, but the Health Ministry received only 27 percent of these funds and was unable to pay the salaries. of health workers. According to reports from IranWire, which cite local news sources in Iran.

IranWire reported that Hossein Ali Shahriari, head of Parliament’s Health Committee, said: “€ 1 billion has been withdrawn from the fund, but has been spent elsewhere. The government must clean itself up and respond to the just demands of health workers. “

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Khamenei has continued to increase spending on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Basij, a paramilitary force within the Revolutionary Guard, which killed about 1,500 Iranians. in his campaign to quell the November 2019 protests.

In March, Khamenei increased his funding for the Revolutionary Guard by 33 percent more than Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani requested, according to the US State Department fact sheet.

Khamenei has more than doubled the budget for Basij, which uses child soldiers to export terrorism and stifle internal opposition.

Pompeo said in a statement issued on October 8: “ While the Health Ministry requested resources to protect the Iranian people from the outbreak of the epidemic, Khamenei increased funding by a third for the Revolutionary Guard, which was designated as a foreign terrorist organization. , and doubled the funds for the Basij forces of the regime that Terrorize the Iranian people every day. “

While Khamenei is pushing funding for terrorism and brutality, he has also allocated $ 400 million from the National Development Fund to increase salaries for government officials.

It is worth noting that the Iranian regime has always spent the money allocated to the Iranian people on terrorism. In 2018 and early 2019, the Central Bank withdrew billions of dollars and euros from the National Development Fund and transferred them to the Quds Force. , affiliated with the Revolutionary Guard.

For its part, the United States is using economic sanctions to force the regime to stop financing terrorism and spending resources in the country. On October 8, the United States imposed sanctions on 18 Iranian banks to deprive the regime of funds used to support terrorism and enhance its nuclear program.

“Our sanctions are directed against the regime and its corrupt officials who have used the wealth of the Iranian people to fuel a radical revolutionary cause that has brought untold suffering to all parts of the Middle East and other regions,” Pompeo said.
