A new Chinese weapon that “cooks soldiers alive” has been used against India, and this is its result!


When, months ago, the Indian army deployed its forces at a border post in the Himalayas, where there is an area in dispute with China, the soldiers were not expected to face unexpected health problems.

According to the newspaper “Daily Mail”, the Indian soldiers who moved to this site enjoyed full health and well-being, but soon felt deterioration, nausea and vomiting, in the middle of severe stomach pains, before starting any battle.

The Indian soldiers felt so weak that some of them were barely standing, then fled the scene, leaving the area open to Chinese soldiers. And in this way, the Chinese were able to win in this position, without firing a single bullet between the two armies, so what suddenly happened to the Indian military forces in this region?

And this incident, which occurred last August, remained a confusing mystery, until last week, when I delivered a controversial military conference in the Chinese capital. Jin Kan Rog, a professor and researcher at Renmin University of China in Beijing, not only revealed what happened in the border incident, but also revealed what he described as a “secret weapon” that caused what happened.

According to this military scholar, the Chinese army attacked the Indian forces with a “microwave” weapon. This weapon relies on directing high-frequency “electromagnetic” pulses, which raise the enemy’s body temperature and then cause pain and irritation.

Experts say that China has turned this area into something like a “microwave oven”, making it like “cooking them while they are alive”, according to the phrase “Daily Mail”. “We were able to solve the problems wonderfully,” said the Chinese academic, adding that India had not disclosed what had happened because it had lost in this “miserable” way.

Experts say that “directed energy weapons” are known to exist, but what is new is that for the first time it has been publicly revealed that it has been used in military action. The United States in turn possesses this weapon, which is not lethal, and it was transferred to Afghanistan in 2010, but it was withdrawn before participating in any battle.

On the other hand, the Indian army denied what the Chinese professor had reported on the Himalayan incident, but British MP Tobias Ellwood, who is head of the defense committee, says that China’s work on developing weapons of directed energy.

It is likely that the Conservative party MP in Britain, that these weapons had been used secretly elsewhere in the world.
