He added: “Freedom is a divine gift that no one can take from a person without their consent. Regarding independence, it is freedom from any external authority or yoke. You have the right to manage your affairs according to your free will, without affiliation. , subordination or submission to any other country, that is, it can exercise its political decision without the influences that surround it. ” Corruption, scandals and lack of decision, politicians cry out to the people.
Odeh continued: “May the anniversary of independence be an occasion to contemplate how to untie the chains and turn towards the light, towards the free sun, for the royal launch towards liberation from all kinds of slavery.” He asks the people with words of sincerity with him, “Like him, he dreams of a sovereign, free, independent, prosperous and radiant homeland.
And he addressed the President of the Republic saying: “Your Excellency, you are the father of the Lebanese and of their people. The Lebanese know you and they know your ambition was great, and they put their hopes in you, so don’t disappoint. Lebanon is a trust in your neck and you have sworn to preserve it, so I appeal to you on behalf of these kind and tired people to save Lebanon. It needs your wisdom and moderation. Whoever obstructs Lebanon’s recovery from the bottom. Your heart bleeds like the heart of Beirut, its residents and all Lebanese, but they are defenseless and only you can make a bold decision. “
He continued: “Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is preparing for his birthday, has cleansed himself taking the image of a servant and incarnate, and gave himself for the salvation of his creatures. Let Lebanon be a hostage in the hands of internal or external parties. Your freedom, sovereignty and independence are a trust in your hands, and you graduated from defense school and reached the highest ranks, and Lebanon can only be free, and it is today that the world is open to your oppression, and the world is open to us. Lebanon can only be a creative and brilliant person in the world, and today it is a country of poverty, hunger, unemployment and the homeless.
Odeh asked: “Where is the Lebanon of diversity, tolerance, freedom and democracy, Lebanon of activity, vitality, prosperity and joy? The great men of all sects? The Lebanon that the poets sang and loved by the world, Lebanon is the meeting place of civilizations and the incubator of religions, the destination of tourists and the refuge of the free, the Lebanon of justice, openness and democracy, ¿ will it recede, consolidate and decline?
He added, continuing his approach to Aoun: “The people of Lebanon loved him, do not let them down because of political, family or sectarian ties. Your Excellency, dear President, do not allow any bond to restrict your decision and your work for the sake of salvation. Leave nothing or anything between you and your people. To your conscience and your patriotism, and I know the extent of your love for Lebanon, implement the constitution and impose laws, restore the prestige of the state by embracing responsibility and accountability. The trial is a crime, conflict of interest, reciprocal wars of abolition, absurd reckoning and execution of external agendas that only lead to perdition. Work to dissuade them. What is the use of power in the face of loss of life, dignity and homeland? The formation of a government of free men and women to take on the task of saving. Press all parties to support Tomar and work with dedication, impartiality and sincerity, to deserve independence and deserve life ”.
As for the president in charge of forming the government, he said: “Hurry up your mission, because the country is collapsing, and the citizen can no longer tolerate, and time is fading and history is accountable. Put your hand in the hand of His Excellency the President and let us work together to overcome all obstacles. We must not waste time so that the nation is not wasted. Our prayer is that God will grant success to all officials who work honestly and sincerely for the good of Lebanon. “
He concluded: “You also called us to seek true freedom and independence, first from sin and, second, from every sinner who forgot us and returns us.”