US sanctions against a “global campaign to boycott Israel”


On Thursday, the US State Department decided to include organizations involved in the activities of the “global campaign to boycott Israel” on the US sanctions list.

The ministry said in a statement that the United States “is committed to confronting the global boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel as a manifestation of anti-Semitism.”

The Boycott Israel movement was formed in 2005 by Palestinian NGOs, and this movement soon assumed a broad international role. The movement calls for a boycott of Israel in all academic, commercial and cultural sectors.

The non-governmental campaign to boycott Israel seeks to pressure Israel on the situation in the Palestinian territories.

The US State Department statement clarified that US policy is based on “combating anti-Semitism throughout the world, regardless of its form,” including “discriminatory marking and publication of bases. of data from companies operating in Israel or Israel-controlled areas. “

Consequently, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “directed the office of the special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism to include organizations that participate in or support the global boycott of Israel on the US sanctions list.” according to the statement.

In listing such organizations, the Office of the Special Envoy will consider whether the organization is engaging in politically motivated acts intended to punish or restrict business relations with Israel in particular or with individuals conducting business in Israel or any Israeli-controlled territory.

The US State Department confirmed that it would “review options that comply with applicable law” to ensure that its funds do not support the global boycott campaign.

The US State Department statement urged governments around the world to take appropriate steps to ensure that their funds are not provided, directly or indirectly, to organizations involved in global anti-Semitic boycott activities.

The Israeli government faces the activities of the global campaign to boycott Israel, considers it a strategic threat and sees it as a questioning of the legitimacy of the State of Israel.

In March 2017, the Israeli parliament adopted a law that stipulates that supporters of the campaign calling for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel will not be allowed to enter Israel.
