870 cases of quarantine in the north!


“The total number of stone cases reached 870 within the Northern Governorate,” announced the Disaster Management Operations Room in the Northern Lebanon Governorate, tasked with following up on preventive measures to reduce the virus outbreak. Corona announced in a statement after their regular meeting in Saraya Tripoli.

He noted that “its members discussed the action plan after easing the general mobilization procedures, especially after injuries appeared among some of the expatriates.”

The meeting recommended “coordination between relevant official departments and security agencies to oversee the proper application of domestic isolation, provided that internal security forces and interested municipalities monitor arrivals from abroad.”

It also recommended the need to “follow up on the wounded and those in contact with them by interested district and municipal doctors, the Red Cross and agencies affiliated with the governor and the governor, and it is mandatory to conduct examinations PCR for all expatriates after one week and during the quarantine period. “

He noted that “it was agreed with the district mayors of the districts to facilitate the mission of the elements of the Red Cross to train intervention teams, municipal monitors and the police in the response plan for health security, social counseling and food security, and to monitor the scope of the implementation of prevention measures after the mobilization period, as well as how to manage the Hajar Center. “

He called for “investigation into the system related to the management of the stone center at the exhibition hotel, in addition to the Koura center, to support these centers by the relevant organizations and municipalities,” and asked for “documentation of daily data on cases of contacts and cases of healing and isolation of wounded, isolation and quarantine by the judicial doctor and the custodians and deposit The operation room of the government, all developments and developments.
