7 signs that you may be infected with the Coronavirus “without realizing it”


Infectious disease experts and doctors confirmed that the Corona virus may have infected millions of people around the world inadvertently, before the start of the closure measures that many countries have implemented, starting in mid-March.

Amish infectious disease expert Adalja, principal investigator at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in the United States, said: “Most people with coronavirus have an uncomplicated case of infection and may not be distinguished from a cold or the flu. “

Unfortunately, “there is no 100 percent sure way to know if the illness he treated last winter was ‘Covid 19’ or a common cold,” according to doctors.

However, 7 signs can be seen indicating that many people may be infected with “Covid 19” without realizing it.

A cold in early 2020

Scientists analyzed throat swabs taken last winter from people suspected of having influenza in China and the United States, and found that for every two cases of influenza, one case was found with the coronavirus.

While it can be difficult to distinguish between a cold and a mild case of “Covid 19” due to the similarity of symptoms, colds do not usually cause shortness of breath or severe headaches.

Lost sense of smell and taste

Loss of smell and taste is a hallmark of Coronavirus infection, and this symptom does not happen to everyone, but Adalja indicated that it is now strongly linked to “Covid 19”.

It should be noted that it is also possible to lose these two senses temporarily in case of contagion with other respiratory diseases, such as colds, influenza, sinusitis, or even seasonal allergies.

Hair loss

Many of those who recovered from the Corona virus reported problems related to hair loss, and Adalja said the reason for this could be a combination of factors, such as severe stress, weight loss, and other illnesses such as “Covid 19”.

difficulty breathing

Research published in the scientific journal “Gamma” found that people with a crown may feel short of breath, possibly due to an infection in the lungs.

A persistent cough

A persistent cough is one of the symptoms of Coronavirus infection, and the cough is usually dry in this case, which means no sputum or mucus appears, according to Dr. Adalja.

The data found that 43 percent of the people who contracted “Covid 19” had a cough 14 to 21 days after testing positive for the virus.

Feeling overwhelmed

The study, published in the Gamma Journal, found that 53 percent of coronavirus patients said they experienced fatigue and exhaustion about 60 days after the first signs of the virus appeared.

Dr. Adalja attributed the matter to the way a person’s immune system interacts with the virus, or it could simply be the way the virus works in the body.

Symptoms that don’t go away

The corona virus is still new to doctors, so some of its symptoms and consequences are still hidden, such as the suffering of some people with the virus from heart problems after infection.

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