5 White House employees fired for ‘marijuana’


5 White House employees fired due to

White House spokeswoman Jane Psaki

On Friday, the White House reported that it had fired five of its employees for abuse of “marijuana,” despite the fact that a new, more lenient policy on past use of the drug was released weeks ago.

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The White House spokeswoman, Jane Psaki, confirmed on “Twitter” the dismissal of these five employees, and this came after the newspaper “Daily Beast” published that “dozens of employees have been suspended from work, or have been has asked to resign, or put on a work program “From a distance, because of his previous use of marijuana.”

“A few weeks ago we announced that the White House had worked with the Security Service to update policies and ensure that past marijuana use did not automatically exclude employees from working in the White House,” Jane Psaki said in a series of tweets.

He added: “The bottom line is that of the hundreds of people who have been appointed, five people who started working in the White House are no longer working as a result of this policy.”

Source: “Reuters”
