5 presidents did not congratulate Biden on his victory … silence reveals a lot


Several world leaders did not congratulate the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, after his victory in the elections that recently decided the race for the White House, ending the era of Donald Trump.

Among the most prominent leaders who have yet to congratulate Biden are Russian Presidents Vladimir Putin, Chinese Xi Jinping, Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil and Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico.

According to CNN, the “silence” of these presidents so far “reveals a lot”, which may be reflected in their relationship with Biden in the future.

In 2016, the Kremlin congratulated Trump on winning the presidency hours after the election results were announced, but the Russian president did not send the same message to Biden.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday that Moscow would await the official election results before commenting on the current result.

During his presidency, Trump opposed US policy with Russia, repeatedly praising Putin, raising doubts that his campaign would allow Russian interference in the 2016 elections that brought him to power.

Therefore, the same intimate relationship cannot be expected between Putin and Biden, who promised to treat foreign interference in his country’s affairs as an “act of hostility.”

In late October, Biden described Russia as the “main threat” to the national security of the United States, during an interview with “60 Minutes” on the US network “CBS.”

Kremlin spokesman Peskov responded to Biden’s statement, saying “Russia does not agree with it” and that “such speech led to an amplification of hatred towards the Russian Federation.”

Despite his sharp rhetoric as a presidential candidate in 2016, then-President-elect Trump was congratulated on his victory by President Xi Jinping, who called for a “healthy” and “stable” Sino-American relationship to continue.

While Trump and Xi briefly forged an unexpected friendship, relations between the two countries deteriorated amid deep divisions over trade, technology, human rights, accusations of Chinese expansion, and ultimately the Corona pandemic.

On Monday, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry avoided questions about when Biden would congratulate him on his election victory and said China would act “in accordance with international practices.”

It is not hard to see why Beijing was hesitant to congratulate Biden. Biden boasted of his ability to confront China, unlike Trump, and denounced Trump’s “hug” of the Chinese president at the beginning of his term.

Furthermore, Beijing believes that it is not obliged to make new concessions to the United States under a new administration, according to “CNN.”

Trump praised Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his rude handling of his opponents, especially after the failed coup attempt in July 2016.

Trump also praised Erdogan’s controversial victory in the referendum on the constitution, under which the president obtained broader executive powers that tightened his grip on the country.

In short, with Trump taking office, Erdogan largely has an absolute mandate to do what he wants, but the story will be completely different with Biden, whom Erdogan has yet to recognize as the elected president of the United States.

Speaking last year on a special episode of the news show “The Weekly,” Biden said he was “concerned” about Turkey and would take a “completely different approach” to relations with it, including supporting opposition leaders. and the Kurds.

Erdogan enraged NATO by purchasing Russian weapons, leading Biden to say that Erdogan should “pay a price” for these measures, even if the United States would continue to sell him weapons.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, often referred to as the “Trump of the tropics” due to his shared traits with the outgoing US president, has been silent on the loss of Trump.

Bolsonaro and his sons, who have an active role in politics, were optimistic about Trump’s reelection for a second term.

His son, Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro, who wore the “Trump 2020” hat on a trip to Washington as his father’s envoy, questioned Biden’s votes and the integrity of the US elections, through tweets on his Twitter account. last week.

With the departure of Trump, Bolsonaro loses an important diplomatic ally and finds himself facing a US president interested in human rights issues and the Crown crisis, which the Brazilian president had long denied until he was attacked by the virus.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador made a carefully worded statement about the elections in the United States. He did not refer to Biden as the winner, but said he “must wait until the legal challenges on the vote count are over.”

“We will wait for all legal issues to be resolved. We do not want to be reckless or act lightly. We want to respect the people’s right to self-determination,” he added in the statement issued on Saturday.

López Obrador has forged a close relationship with the president of the United States in recent years, and the two men met in July to celebrate the implementation of the trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada.

López Obrador’s reluctance to congratulate Biden could be due to his friendship with Trump, and the move could also be interpreted as a continuation of Mexico’s foreign policy approach to avoid commenting on the affairs of other countries.
