40 corona cases were recorded in Tire district – Al-Manar channel website – Lebanon


The Disaster Management Unit of the Union of Municipalities of the District of Tire announced: “According to the report of the Medical Director, 40 confirmed and laboratory-confirmed cases of covid_19 have been registered.”

The injuries recorded today are all residents in close contact, including 4 cases of Palestinian citizenship.

The casualties were distributed today as follows:

– شحور: 8
North Tower: 4
– Low: 4
Abbasiya: 4
Photos: 3
Qana: 3
Al Hosh: 2
Dbal: 2
Rahal Tower: 1
Battle: 1
Jewel: 1
Al-Bazouria: 1
The Church: 1
Hallucinations: 1
Dirkiva: 1
Known: 1
Pavlia: 1
Adored: 1

Today, the death of an elderly person infected with covid-19 suffers from chronic diseases.

The number of wounded in the district has risen to 3,450 wounded. They were distributed as follows:

– 238 imported cases (3 deaths)
– 3,212 local cases, including 561 cases for Palestinian citizens, 64 cases from the Syrian community, 4 cases from the Iraqi community, 115 cases from the International Emergency Force (UNIFIL) and 42 local deaths.

1810 of them have been fully recovered, including 815 laboratory cures and 995 chronological cures.

Due to the continuous increase in the number of injured, according to reports from the Ministry of Public Health, the Disaster Management Unit advised all residents of the Tire district to continue to strictly comply with the no mixing and to apply all instructions issued by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the guidelines of the Ministry of Public Health to avoid possible injuries or damages.

Source: National News Agency
