4 lions in zoo infected with “Corona”


The Barcelona Zoo announced that four of its lions had contracted the Covid-19 virus in November and had recovered.

The city park, located in northeastern Spain, said in a statement last month that keepers of the four lions had “mild respiratory symptoms” in three 16-year-old lionesses and a four-year-old male lion.

The statement indicated that a clinical protocol “similar to that used to treat influenza” was applied in the treatment of the four animals, with anti-inflammatory treatment and close monitoring, highlighting that they “responded positively” and recovered their health.

The statement affirms that the administration of the zoo in the Catalan capital contacted “international experts, for example, the veterinary apparatus of the Bronx Zoo in New York in the United States, since it is the only one that has documented animal cases of SARS-Cove- 2, “the statement added.

The statement explained that “the lions did not show any difficulty in breathing or any other symptoms, and all symptoms disappeared after 15 days, except coughing and sneezing.”

And specific measures have been taken for the employees who care for these lions to avoid the risk of transmission to them, such as donning a “GFFB3” muzzle, special protective socks and placing a glass front, in addition to lowering the keepers by belts.
