31 Crown Injuries to Tire … “Contact cases cause our concern”


Due to the increasing number of victims in the Tire district among expats and residents as a result of the contact cases, those involved and supporters raised clamor for adhering to the quarantine at home and not contacting people to ensure that the virus do not spread and arrive at an unimaginable scenario. 26 positive cases belonged to expatriates, of which 23 were on the Sierra Leone flight, and 3 were from European countries, while the remaining cases were due to contacts, in addition to an anonymous injury.

The director of the Federation’s Disaster Management Unit, Morteza Muhanna, in his interview with Al-Nahar, does not hide the increase in injuries in Tire, but the results of the expatriates do not express our concerns because we know their positive results from his arrival at the airport, and consequently we take the necessary measures, either transferring them to the hospital or their commitment to the house stone. Among the cases of arrivals, there is an infected woman who transmitted the infection to her two children in the absence of relatives to care for them and, consequently, her two children (3 years and 7 years) had a positive result two days after their arrival from Sierra Leone.

What really worries us are the contact cases that require a follow-up and knowledge of their source to avoid the spread of the virus in the region. What was recorded by the city of Chhim as a result of contact with a military man, Sur confronts him with a soldier who detected the infection in the military court without revealing his injury, and had contacted other people before we knew he had a crown, which led to transmission of the infection to two people.

In Muhanna’s opinion, “People should adhere to the house stone even if the result is negative, so how if their results are positive? Returnees must take responsibility and isolate themselves, and residents must avoid mixing and being responsible for any infection leading to a health catastrophe. There are those who refuse to send For Household Stone, and we are faced, for example, with a case of return from Istanbul, who refused to stay on the house stone and He insisted on moving and following the path of his life, which led us to underline a report against him The issue is not a joke, we are all concerned with confronting this virus and not underestimating what we could cause knowingly or without it. knowledge”.

Regarding the possibility of isolating Tire to prevent the spread of the infection, Muhanna says: “So far, things are still under control, and today we are following each case with its status, including the cases that were discharged from the hospital and that they are subject to home quarantine in addition to suspicious cases. But the third batch of The Return of Expatriates is a real challenge, and the presence of new injuries will lead us to make a more severe decision and maybe we can make the decision to isolate him if we see things get out of control. Therefore, we are raising the clamor today and emphasizing the importance of complying with preventive measures and quarantine at home to avoid any internal infection, especially what we witness in The last period m N injuries among residents as a result of contact with an infected case.

Fuchini provided by Alice and Nadine Abdel Aziz
