3 bodies on the beaches of Tartous, Syria … Do they belong to the missing Bziza girls?


The competent authorities of the Syrian governorate of Tartous on Friday night found 3 unidentified girls on the seashore near the city of Al-Hamidiyah.

Tartous Governorate Police Commander Musa Al-Jasem said in a statement to “SANA” that they were informed on Friday afternoon that there were two bodies of two girls on the beach near the town of Al-Hamidiyah. , where officers went to the scene to conduct investigations and gather information about the incident. They were also informed that night that a third body had been found, “noting that” none of the people of the region recognized the girls, and their specifications will be circulated today, Saturday, on the police page, waiting for someone to recognize them. “.

Previously, the head of the Al-Hamidiyah city council, Magdy Tohme, had found the bodies of the two girls while he was near the beach, most likely the cause was the sinking of a ship carrying them near Lebanon and, As a result, the torrents that occurred yesterday in the area, spilled the sea.

Tohme pointed out that “the police and health personnel came to the scene to carry out the necessary investigations, while the Port Directorate was contacted to comb the beach and check for other bodies.”

In turn, the governor’s chief of forensic medicine, Ali Bilal, said in a similar statement that “it was verified through the medical examination of the bodies of the girls who are in the second and third decade of life and the cause of death is due to drowning, and there are no criminal effects on the bodies, estimating the time of death in about five days “.

He added that “the signs of drowning were clear, while the bodies were still unidentified and samples were taken for identification.”

It should be noted that three girls disappeared from the city of Bzeiza, belonging to the Hajj Hussein family from Tripoli who have lived with their family in Baziza – Koura for many years.

The municipality of Bziza explained that “there is still no confirmed information on the reason for her disappearance, so her father has handed over the file to the security forces who are monitoring it, and the girls voluntarily left their home and did not do so. “. Come back, and we are awaiting the results of the investigation to inform you of everything new. “

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