26 injured aboard flights arriving in Beirut


In a statement, the Ministry of Public Health announced the completion of PCR tests for flights arriving in Beirut and carried out at the airport on 12/22/2020 and 12/23/2020. The results showed that there were twenty-six (26) positive cases.

The results of 12/22/2020 were as follows:

London flight: MEA No. 204 (all negative).
Addis Ababa flight: Ethiopian company No. 406 (three positive cases).
Flight from Istanbul: Turkish company No. 828 (all negative).
Flight from Cairo: Egyptian Company No. 713 (one positive case).
Doha flight: Qatari company No. 416 (all negative).
Dubai Flight: UAE Company No. 957 (a positive case).
Istanbul flight: MEA Company No. 266 (all negative).
Doha flight: MEA Company No. 437 (all negative).
Dubai flight: UAE company No. 953 (all negative).
Trip to Cairo: Egyptian Company No. 711 (two positive cases).
London flight: MEA # 202 (a positive case).
Paris flight: MEA number 212 (all negative).
Accra flight: MEA number 572 (three positive cases).
Istanbul flight: MEA Company No. 268 (one positive case).
Flight from Istanbul: Turkish company No. 826 (one positive case).
Flight from Istanbul: Turkish company No. 824 (one positive case).
Flight from Cairo: MEA Company No. 307 (four positive cases).
Istanbul flight: Pegasus Corporation No. 863 (1 positive case).
Adana Flight: Pegasus Corporation No. 6700 (1 positive case).
Trip to Baghdad: Iraqi Company No. 1311 (all negative).

The results of 12/23/2020 were as follows:

Addis Ababa flight: Ethiopian company No. 406 (five positive cases).
Damascus flight: Q6 Company No. 201 (all negative).
Istanbul flight: Turkish company No. 828 (all negative).
Flight from Cairo: Egyptian Company No. 713 (all negative).
Doha flight: Qatari company No. 416 (all negative).
– Flight from Dubai: UAE company No. 957 (all negative).
Najaf Flight: Iraqi Company No. 139 (all negative).
Istanbul flight: MEA Company No. 266 (one positive case).
Algerian flight: AH No. 4916 (all negative).

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