16 new cases of Coronavirus in this town


The Crisis Cell of the municipality of Dirdlom Zouk El Maqqarin announced in a statement that “the number of laboratory-confirmed infections today has reached 16 new cases of coronavirus.” He also announced that “suspected cases of contacts (first degree) who presented symptoms and did not undergo laboratory examination so far, their number reached 20.”

The cell phone indicated that “after the number of injured has increased dramatically and the results are within 24 hours, so the municipality made the following decisions:

1- Force all injured and in contact to complete quarantine under penalty of liability.

2 – Cancel all Christmas and New Year celebrations.

3- Impose a total closure in the city of Zouk Al-Maqqharin for a period of ten days, and a curfew is strictly prohibited for all residents, without exception, and prevent the exit and entry to the city except for the more extreme health needs.

4- The municipal police will ensure that decisions are implemented in cooperation with the security services.

He also called all those with symptoms to contact the members of the cell at the numbers: 03/506010, 71/082811 and 70/386880.

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