10% of Corona’s tests are positive … Lebanon ranks 63rd in the world in terms of injuries


Under the headline “Corona: 10 percent of tests are positive in Lebanon,” writes Al-Akhbar: “Next Sunday, the deadline for the closure of the 111 cities that witnessed a significant increase in the number of infections will end. by coronavirus in relation to its population. So far, the “post-closure phase” does not appear. “The characteristics are clear, since it is not yet known whether the ministerial commission in charge of facing the Coronavirus will make the decision to extend the closure or to be satisfied with the closing period that is about to expire. At this moment, the figures of daily infections with the virus continue to “fly” with the announcement of the Ministry of Health, yesterday, registration. 1,426 new cases (1,405 residents and 21 expatriates) , while 11 new deaths were announced, bringing the number of victims of the virus to 450.

Although this increase in the injury registry that was registered during the last week is related to the high percentage of laboratory examinations (the number of daily examinations increased with an increase of more than three thousand examinations due to the intensification of Ministry of Health conducting examinations for contacts in localities that required closure), remains an indicator The spread of the virus is dangerous and it is imperative to control and control it. Over the course of 14 days, for example, the percentage of exams per 100,000 people exceeded three thousand exams, while the percentage of positive exams per 100 people exceeded 10% (10.6%). According to figures from the Ministry of Health, out of every 100,000 people, 323 are at risk of infection.

These events arise at a time when the voices of many neighbors began to raise their complaints about the lack of reception in many hospitals of their relatives of patients without crown, either due to “lack of beds” or “running out of supplies and necessary equipment to attend to the case ”, as reported to many, while the official figures indicated. Until last week, the occupancy rate for Corona’s assigned beds was over 65%.
Yesterday, the “Health” figures indicated in this regard that the number of patients with Covid 19 who required hospitalization reached 647, of which 172 were in critical condition.
In the event that injuries continue to increase as expected in the coming days, the pressure on the health and hospital sectors will inevitably double as the health crisis worsens due to the economic crisis the country is going through, while all eyes are on positions in the rehabilitation measures being carried out by the Ministry of Health for hospitals. Government agencies in the regions in order to improve the ability to receive those infected with the virus, on the one hand, and thus make room for the ability to receive the uninfected on the other.
It is worth noting in this regard that Lebanon’s global site in terms of daily injury record in Corona advanced ten ranks in two weeks as it is now ranked 63rd.
