Leaving meat ahead, plant-based pork has been launched in China

The California-based company unveiled its latest product on Wednesday: minced “pork without meat.”

The new product aims to mimic the flavors of popular fillings used in many Asian dishes, such as dumplings and spring rolls. Beyond says it will be served to customers in dishes such as ramen toppings and spaghetti and meatballs, spicy bolognese and biscuits and gravy. (The company has made plant-based pork first, albeit in the form of a sausage product.)

From Wednesday, customers in Shanghai will be able to try the new product at five local restaurants for a limited time.

“We are excited to launch pork-fronted meat in China, a landmark for meat-ahead of meat,” Candy Chen, general manager of the Chinese company, said in a statement. “We are not only launching a completely new product innovation, but our first plant-based meat product specifically designed for the Chinese market.”

She noted that the product’s “exclusive debut in China will further its commitment to this important meat market.”

Next to the meat serving his new crunchy pork "Sting" Tasting time in China on Wednesday.

Bye’s latest introduction, especially right now, could come as a welcome option for Chinese customers.

China, the world’s largest consumer of pork, entered a major producer crisis last year due to an outbreak of African swine fever. This The disruption forced some customers to temporarily switch to other types of meat.

Earlier, according to official Chinese data, pork accounted for about 70% of China’s total meat consumption.

This year, Chinese pig farmers have seen some recovery, allowing them to ease supply and prices.
“Globally,” manufacturers are facing a challenging outlook, with rising feed costs, weak economic trends and slower export growth, China is rebuilding its domestic hog supply.

War on China

The mainland has been beyond China, a huge market that dominates the U.S. Considered important for the growth of the company.

Earlier this year, the firm announced a partnership with a Chinese tech giant Alibaba (Baba) Bringing Beyond Beyond to supermarket shelves in mainland China for the first time.
It also launched some of the country’s most popular fast food chains, including KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. It came just weeks after the company unveiled a larger alliance Starbucks (SBUX), To wrap on its meatless pasta, lasagnes and Chinese menus.
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The pay firm recently struck a deal with local food distributor Synodis, which will help the company supply restaurants and caterers in China.

But for all its speed, the competition is fierce. While the trend of counterfeit meat is still taking shape in mainland China, Beyond is in stark contrast to other popular brands, including fellow California Upstart Impossible Foods, which has hinted at its own launch plans.
Last month, Impossile launched its counterfeit beef products in supermarkets in Hong Kong and Singapore, hoping to further expand its footprint in Asia and increase demand for epidemic-driven home cooking.

– Laura He contributed to this report.
