Lady Gaga thinks about committing suicide every day and ‘hates being famous’

The singer / actress talked about how famous celebrity can be and said that she “completely left herself” she admitted in an interview with “CBS Sunday Morning” which aired this weekend.

“I hated being famous. I hated being a star.” “I’m tired and used.”

She said she thinks of committing suicide every day.

Lady Gaga said, “I really didn’t understand why I should live a life other than living there for my family.” “It was a real real thought and feeling: why should I stick?”

According to Nakshatra, things got so bad that she “lived in this house when people watched me for a few years, to make sure I was safe.”

Lady Gaga is still provoked by being “offensive”, like when people put cellphones on her to take photos or she didn’t want to dine out with her family.

Things are better now, said the singer who is promoting her latest album “Chromatica”.

That said, I no longer hate Lady Gaga. “I found a way to love myself again, when I felt like this would never happen.”
