Labor Day weekend tourists are heading to COVID-19 hot spots like Florida

Millions of Americans, fed up with the epidemic, are likely to hit the streets this Labor Day weekend, despite a coronavirus crisis that day, which generates more than 20,000,000 new cases every day and shows little sign of slowing down.

And according to travel site Tripit, the preferred destination is a state where the coronavirus crisis is still ongoing – Florida.

“This year, Florida is claiming a lion’s share (majority) of Labor Day flight reservations, accounting for 12 percent of all plans, including a Sunshine State destination,” the site said.

By comparison, Florida accounted for 4 percent of flight reservations last year, Tripit reported.

As of Friday, Florida had 19 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 11,647 confirmed deaths – two disappointing figures, the third highest in the country and the fifth highest in the country for deaths, according to figures linked by the NBC News show.

Another favorite destination for travelers this weekend? Tripit says Hawaii, a state that is currently experiencing a surge in new cases. United Airlines increased its service in Hawaii after a 50 percent increase in Labor Day weekend bookings, the website said.

But unaware of the travel website, the Hawaii Tourism Authority issued a state-mandated 14-day Kara Rentine Octo for all arriving passengers. Increased to 1. So if you’re hoping to be on WikiLeaks this weekend, you’ll have to change your plans.

The fact that so many Americans are willing to travel for months on end is of concern to public health experts.

The country’s leading infectious disease specialist Dr. Anthony Fauci said the count of new cases is declining, but the country is still far from the target of 10,000 days or less which he hoped would be reached by September.

Fauci, speaking Wednesday on NBC’s “Today”, shared a Labor Day weekend warning.

“When you have a holiday like Labor Day, we see, after the Fourth of July, we see after Memorial Day, a surge in cases.” “Wear a mask. Keep social distance. Avoid crowds. You can avoid that type of surgery. You don’t want to be someone who spreads this epidemic. You want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. ”

In the two weeks leading up to the July 4 holiday, there were 590,741 newly confirmed COVID-19 cases, according to an NBC News analysis of available statistics. In the two weeks following the holiday, the number of cases rose to 866,834.

However, the way before and after Memorial Day was different. In the two weeks before the holiday, 314,108 cases were reported and in the next two weeks, the number dropped slightly to 293,915.

But at the time the epidemic was easing in the northeastern states that reached as early as New York and New Jersey and began to spread to southern and sun belt states such as Florida, Arizona and Texas. All are led by Republican governors who were already preparing to reopen their states at the urging of President Donald Trump.

California, which has a Democratic governor who ignored Trump and took aggressive measures as early as possible to deal with the crisis, when it reopened and now moves forward with 722,042 cases in the country. However, in recent weeks, the number of new cases and hospital admissions has decreased.

Indicating how far New York has come since March and April, when it was the country’s Covid-1 hotspot, government Andrew Cuomo announced that MLs would be allowed to reopen at 100 percent capacity, starting Wednesday. The casino will also be allowed to reopen on the same day, but at 25 per cent capacity, he said.

Masks and social distance rules remain in effect in both malls and casinos. And Cumo is sending state inspectors to casinos to make sure people there don’t gamble with other people’s lives.

Trump was expected to issue a Labor Day message later Thursday in which he urged all Americans to wear masks against Covid-19, an issue he helped politicize by refusing to wear himself before.

At Trump’s watch, the deadly epidemic has claimed the lives of about 187,000 people in the U.S., with more than 6.1 million cases reported – both world leading figures, according to the latest NBC News figures.

According to Johns Hopkins University’s COVID-19 dashboard, the U.S. now accounts for more than a quarter of the more than 26 million cases and a fifth of the deaths of about 865,000 people.

Meanwhile, Bezab fans mourned the death of Hall of Fame pitcher Tom Sewer, who helped draw the so-called “Miracle Mets” to the New York team’s first World Championship in 1969, and died of dementia when he died on Wednesday, July 19th. Were fighting. . He was 75 years old.

And in London, England, the latest Batman movie called “The Batman” was produced after crew members came down with coronaviruses. Actor Robert Pattinson is in the film.

Other developments:

  • In the last week of August, job claims fell to 1,0001,000 for the first time, the lowest weekly since Trump’s legacy of a booming economy and an epidemic. But the reason for the decline in the number of million plus unemployment claims over the past two weeks is that the government has changed the way it adjusts to seasonal fluctuations in the job market. NBC News reported on Thursday that while Trump “took pride in Twitter’s tremendous job growth over the past three months, economists say this ignores the inevitable fact that the country’s economy was still ashamed of about 1 million jobs in February.”

  • Republican Iowa Sen. Johnny Ernst, amid an unexpectedly tough re-election fight, caught the echo of a notorious conspiracy theory that government figures on coronavirus infections and deaths have been inflated while communicating with voters. When asked later about the conversation, Ernst first said that she was repeating what she had heard. But, as the confusion of questions turned into a hurricane, Ernst began back-paddling and later released a statement stating that “more than 180,000 Americans have died as a result of Covid-19” and that “the thing is that Iowa gets those resources. Requirements. Iowa is currently a coronavirus hot spot. The number of cases has risen in Iowa in recent weeks, and health experts have questioned why bikers who took part in last month’s massive rally in Sturgis, South Dakota, brought more cases home with them. The Minnesota biker who took part in the event has died from Covid-19.

  • The University of South Carolina reported 1,026 confirmed coronavirus cases last week, suggesting a lockdown with the sabotage of students and student organizations that organized large-scale violations of school rules. There was also a major outbreak in more colleges and universities across the country. Indiana University has closed all comrades and sorority houses on its flagship campus in Bloomington after a rise in new cases. Suni Vananta in New York sent her students home for the rest of the semester after 389 students came positive on the campus test. Temple University of Philadelphia did the same after 237 students and a school employee caught the virus. The University of Tennessee currently has 308 active cases and 1,442 students are in quarantine. At the University of Missouri, which has 616 active cases, 30,330 students were facing disciplinary action for violating school cod-prevention rules.
  • The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week asked governors to prepare for a “massive” distribution of a possible coronavirus vaccine by November 30, two days before the presidential election. Asked about the timing, which could provoke Trump, Fauqi said the Federal Food and Drug Administration is calling the shots, not the White House. “The FDA is making it very clear that they will make a decision as soon as the data arrives.” Also, the November 1 date is just one goal. “I mean if you look at the registration launch and things like that you will need to decide whether the vaccine is safe and effective, most of us projects that will happen by November, December” by the end of this year, “Fouki said. . “Could this be before? Absolutely. “