‘Mr. Trot ‘Young Tak, 140,000 live viewers … Following Yeong-woong Lim’s popularity and showing the trend


Young Tak (Photo = 'Mr. Trot' V Live)
Young Tak (Photo = ‘Mr. Trot’ V Live)

[뉴스웍스=이동헌 기자] Young Tak directed ‘Mr. Trot ‘through the official live channel V,’ Who will come to see the elegant Trot Tak? ‘

Youngtak mentions the list of items the members made for fans on V Live on 2 and said, “May is ‘family month,’ so I thought it would be nice to wear a T-shirt on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Boy”. I started working on making a T-shirt.

Later, Young Tak freely called Trot and Ballard, such as ‘My sister is perfect’, ‘Chinya’, ‘Gashi’ from ‘Buse’ and ‘I miss you’ by Kim Bum Soo and continued communication with fans.

Later, Young-tak introduced Lee Chan-won in surprise, saying, “My brother came in alone, ate alone, and went to sleep.” The two continued their daily conversation as authenticating that they were really close, and fans were filled with comments like “I love you so much,” “It’s a two-shot fantasy,” and “I want to extend your time.”

In particular, Young-Tak answered the question about working on the song: “I am writing a very difficult song. I am working on the song to adapt it to our members, but the situation is different and I cannot release the song immediately. Yes Wait, I’ll tell you the best song possible. ” It amplified the expectations of the new song.

Furthermore, Yeongtak couldn’t hide his expression of surprise when saying: “Three people entered when we lived on Instagram, but now there are 30,000.” However, he quickly adapted to the broadcast, honestly responded to as many comments as possible, and continued to communicate in a comfortable and orderly manner.

Additionally, Young Tak gained the interest of many fans by unraveling several episodes, such as why he had raised his hair when he appeared in ‘Hidden Singer’ the day, behind the scenes of his teacher’s days and in the latest reviews of ‘Knowing Brother ‘.

Lastly, he said, “I hope I love you so much because today I am going to meet and sing to fans for a long time like this.”

On this day, Young Tak’s V Live was a huge success, with 140,000 viewers watching at the same time and surpassing 130 million hearts.

Six winners of ‘Mr. Trot ‘(Lee Young-woong, Young-Tak, Chan-Won Lee, Dong-Won Jeong, Min-Ho Jang, and Kim Hee-Jae) started with Kim Hee-Jae on April 25 and performed a successful live V until Yeong-Tak the same day, drawing a lot of interest and themes with successful LAN fan gatherings.
