[정치]Interpretation of the sub-argumentation on the pre-voting rate … “Meeting of support groups” vs. “Angry wind”



Regarding the pre-voting rate for reelection 4 · 7, the opposition parties showed confidence, saying that it is a trend in their favor.

The Democratic Party sees it as a figure compiled by supporters who were not caught up in existing polls.

The force of the people was a mixed interpretation, saying that it was the result of anger against the ruling ruling party.

Reporter Song Jae-in’s report.


On the last day of the pre-vote, Democratic Party candidate Park Young-sun cautiously displayed an optimistic outlook.

He said the high pre-vote rate is not bad for him and he views it positively.

When the pre-vote rate comes out higher than expected, it’s an atmosphere that means Democratic Party supporters have come together again.

Consequently, we work hard to collect last-minute approval ratings by digesting the calendar to target youth one after another.

[박영선 / 더불어민주당 서울시장 후보 : 한 분 한 분이 모두 박영선입니다. 그래서 박영선이 박영선을 만들고, 박영선이 또 박영선을 만드는 그러한 투표가 되면 우리는 반드시 승리합니다, 여러분!]

Candidate Se-hoon Oh, the power of the people, did not hide his welcome to the pre-voting trend.

This high pre-vote rate reflects anger at the government.

The results of public opinion polls that were ahead of candidate Park Young-seon by a large gap were considered contained in the previous vote, and the atmosphere rose as high as the wind from the government referee.

After emphasizing the failure of the government’s real estate policy in the Gangnam garden, he toured transportation hubs like Yongsan and appealed to block the Democratic Party organization chart with angry public sentiment.

[오세훈 / 국민의힘 서울시장 후보 : 이 막강한 민주당 조직, 금권 선거와 관권 선거와 흑색선전으로 승부하려는 민주당, 몇 명씩 모시고 나가야 이길 수 있습니까? 부탁 드리겠습니다.]

It is not yet known whether the higher-than-expected pre-vote rate is the result of the gathering of supporters as the Democratic Party wishes, or the wish of the regime judge as the will of the people.

However, it is clear that both parties view the prior vote as a key variable that will determine the market trend.

YTN Song Jae-in[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]