[정치]Kim Jong-un, who chose to provoke one after another, warns of ‘Gangdaegang ancestry’ …


North Korea hasn’t commented on the new US administration for a while.
US pressure on US ahead of defense and diplomatic ministers’ talks
Launch of cruise missiles on the 21st and ballistic missiles on the 25th
North Korea-style ‘Compression Tactics’ Ahead of Announcement of New US Policy Toward North Korea
North Korea’s willingness to implement a ‘defense development plan’ in a pro-China movement


North Korea, which wanted to keep the wait-and-see tax, has recently become a state of stimulation for the ROK and the United States by releasing low-intensity provocations one after another.

Before the announcement of a new policy towards North Korea by the United States, it appears to be pushing the ‘Gangdaegang Pre-Election’ policy, and attention is being paid to the exact intention.

Reporter Hwang Hye-kyung reports.


Even when President Biden was elected in November last year and took office in January this year, North Korea was exceptionally reluctant to talk about the United States.

It wasn’t until the end of January that he briefly mentioned the election of President Biden through the propaganda media.

North Korea’s sudden change in attitude occurred on the 16th, two days before the talks between the defense ministers and diplomats of North Korea and the United States.

[조선중앙TV / 김여정 부부장 담화(지난 16일) : 미국의 새 행정부에도 한마디 충고한다. 앞으로 4년간 발편잠을 자고 싶은 것이 소원이라면 시작부터 멋없이 잠 설칠 일거리를 만들지 않는 것이 좋을 것이다.]

Furthermore, two days later, Choi Sun-hee, who is in charge of the strategy against the United States, pressures them saying, ‘If you continue with the hostile policy, think carefully about what you will do.’

On the 21st it launched a cruise missile and on the 25th it even launched a ballistic missile that violated UN sanctions against North Korea.

North Korea’s move is first read as one of the “compression techniques” attempting to occupy a more favorable plateau prior to the announcement of a new policy toward North Korea by the United States.

[조한범 / 통일연구원 선임연구위원 : 미국의 대북정책 재검토 기간이 길어지고 있고 그 사이에 미국의 북한에 대한 인권공세나 말레이시아 북한 공민 미국 인도라든지 공세가 심해지고 있거든요. 이런 상황에서 미국의 대북정책에 대한 영향, 북한의 존재감 과시 이런 측면에서 이번 무력 시위가 있었다고 봅니다.]

On the one hand, North Korea, which has taken pro-China actions seriously in the face of a deepening conflict between the United States and China, can be interpreted as showing its willingness not to give in to US sanctions.

[김동엽 / 북한대학원대학교 교수 : 미국을 바꿔본다든가, 대북정책에 영향을 미쳐본다든가 이런 것을 기대하고 북한이 군사적인 행동을 한다든가 하는 것은 대단히 잘못된 분석이라고 봐요. 오히려, 자신들이 계획한 대로 ‘마이웨이’를 간다는 메시지를 보내면서 차근차근….]

No matter what the actual interior is, the possibility that North Korea, which initiated the provocation, gradually increased its intensity and launched or launched an ICBM or a submarine-launched ballistic missile cannot be ruled out.

The diplomatic power of the Korean government, which stresses that military tension on the Korean peninsula should not be increased under any circumstances, is expected to be put to the test again.

I am YTN Hwang Hye-kyung.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]