Demonstrations were held in various locations across the United States on 20 (local time) on 20 (local time) on the weekend of 20 (local time) on 20 (local time) on 20 (local time) on 20 (local time). 20 (local time) on 20 (local time), 20 (local time), 20 (local time), 20 (local time), 20 (local time), 20 (local time) time), the 20 (local time), 20 (local time), 20 (local time), 20 on weekends, 20 (local time), 20 (local time), 20 (local time), 20 (local time), the 20th (local time), the 20th (local time), the 20th (local time), the 20th (local time), the 20th, the weekend of the weekend, the 20th (local time) ), on the weekend of the 20th (local time), the weekend to protest the shooting in which a young white man killed 6 Asian women, including 6 Asian women. . While the US police considered the probability of a ‘hate crime’ low, protesters protested that the case was a clear hate crime against Asians and to stop the hate. (# 821, ############## ################################ ################################################## ################################################### ################################################### ################################################## ################################################# # ################################################### ################################################### ################################################## ################################################## ################################################## ################################ #################### ################################################## ################################################## ################################################### ################################################### ################################################### ################################################### ################################################## ########################################## ################################################### ################################################## ####### #############.
(CNN) and <로이터> The news agency reported that hundreds of people gathered from across the United States, including Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Chicago and Seattle, as well as from Atlanta, where the shooting occurred, to protest the incident. People exposed to hate crimes, including of Asian and Pacific descent, and black and white people who opposed hate crimes, gathered. “Target =” _ blank “rel =” noopener noreferrer “><시엔엔>(CNN) and <로이터> The news agency reported that hundreds of people gathered from across the United States, including Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Chicago and Seattle, as well as from Atlanta, where the shooting took place, to protest the incident. People of Asian and Pacific descent who were exposed to hate crimes, as well as whites and blacks who oppose hate crimes came together.
Hundreds of people, including Korean citizens and activists, gathered at a rally in a park next to the Capitol in downtown Atlanta, Georgia. As they marched from Woodruff Park to the State Capitol, they shouted slogans: “Stop the hatred of Asians” and “Asians are not viruses.” “We want the world and the people to know clearly that we are here,” said Han Sung-hee, who participated in the protest. <로이터> Said to communication.
Korean actress Sandra O attended a rally that was held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that day. <시비에스>(CBS) issued. Sandra led the protesters shouting slogans for about two minutes. “I am proud to be Asian,” he said. “This is the first time that we have been able to express a voice of fear and anger.” We have to reach out to our brothers and sisters and ask them to help us. “
In Chinatown, San Francisco, California, hundreds of people, including Chinese, gathered and urged to stop hating Asians. This is a Chinese theory of responsibility for the origin of Corona 19, and it is also a place where assaults against Asians frequently occur. On this day, several Asian citizens from Japan and Cambodia met and insisted that hate crimes stop.
By Choi Hyun-jun, Staff Reporter